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Green Party in NI elect new deputy leader
Image source, Green Party
Tanya Jones has been elected the new deputy leader of the Green Party in Northern Ireland.
She has replaced Claire Bailey, who decided to step aside after three years in the role.
Ms Jones is chair of the party's Fermanagh and South Tyrone branch and stood in the last Westminster election and two previous assembly elections.
She said she was "absolutely delighted" to become the party's deputy leader.
"I am immensely proud to represent a party with such courage and vision, combined with detailed policy based on reliable evidence.
"I am looking forward to working even more closely with my friends and colleagues, especially Steven Agnew and Clare Bailey, and to using my skills and experience in every way that I can in helping to bring about a fairer, cleaner and more hopeful future for the whole of Northern Ireland."
Green Party leader Steven Agnew added: "I am confident that Tanya Jones will make a huge contribution as deputy chair of the Green Party.
"Tanya is an activist through and through and her strong sense of social justice is recognised and valued inside and outside of the party."
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