Bus driver's act of kindness to homeless man shared online

Image source, Michael Dornan

Image caption, A Facebook post detailing Paul Doyle's generosity has since been liked more than 65,000 times

A bus driver has become a local hero after a story of how he helped a homeless man has gone viral online.

A passenger posted to Translink's Facebook page after seeing Paul Doyle stop his bus to give the man a winter coat.

The post has been seen by more than 65,000 people and has been shared more than 3,700 times.

Michael Dornan of Unite union said: "He put a fiver and milk and bread in the bag with the coat and gave it to him.

Image source, Annamarie McDaniel/Facebook

Image caption, The Facebook post on Translink's page that went viral

"Paul was passing him on the route and he had no warm clothes on - Paul thought to himself, 'with the bad weather, I have to do something.'"

He said that Mr Doyle is surprised by the attention the post has drawn. "Paul is very humble. He's sort of embarrassed," Mr Dornan said.

"He never intended anything like that. He didn't want any thanks. That's the type of person he is.

Image source, Michael Dornan

Image caption, Paul Doyle is 'a very humble man', says Michael Dornan

"He is back working today - on the same route. He said to me: 'I hope to see him today and I hope he has that coat on.'"

The Tuesday evening by AnnaMarie McDaniel. She wrote: "Couldn't believe how kind the bus driver was, such a thoughtful act".

A Translink spokesperson said: "We commend our colleague on this act of kindness for someone in need."