'Fake Blue Badge' case against councillor dropped

Disabled parking signImage source, Getty Images
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A case against a councillor accused of faking disabled parking Blue Badges, so drivers of tour buses she owns could use restricted spaces, has been dropped.

Maxine Smith, who represents Highland Council's Cromarty ward, was due to stand trial in May but the case was adjourned for legal reasons.

Following a hearing this week, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) confirmed the case was not being pursued at Inverness Sheriff Court, although it could be raised again in the future.

Ms Smith, 64, is a long-serving Highland councillor.

The COPFS said: "It is the duty of the Crown to keep cases under review, and following full and careful consideration of the facts and circumstances of the case, including the available admissible evidence, the procurator fiscal decided that there should be no further criminal proceedings at this time.

"The Crown reserves the right to proceed in the future should further evidence become available."