Three times rejected wind farm taken to appeal
Image source, Getty Images
A wind farm project in the southern Scotland which has been rejected three times is seeking approval on appeal.
Scottish Borders Council (SBC) first turned down the Wull Muir scheme near Heriot in 2020 and an appeal to the Scottish government was also unsuccessful.
Revised plans were refused again by the local authority in July this year.
Developers Energiekontor are now seeking to overturn that decision and have taken an appeal to the Scottish government once more.
The eight-turbine project was first rejected more than four years ago due to its "unacceptable significant adverse impacts on the landscape".
An appeal to reverse that decision was then turned down as well.
That prompted revised plans to be brought to SBC which suggested moving the turbines and increasing them in size.
They were recommended for approval by planning officers but, in the face of widespread local opposition, councillors gave them the thumbs down.
They cited the "significant landscape and visual impacts" in the area.
Developers have lodged an appeal against that decision and it will now be up to the Scottish government to decide its fate.
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