
Cardiff author鈥檚 debut novel

After a journalistic career spanning almost 30 years with 成人快手 Wales, I decided it was time to fulfil a long-held ambition to write a novel.

Retirement provided both the opportunity and the spur to achieve my goal. It also allowed me to indulge my passion for travel and my life-long interest in motor racing. My experience of piloting a single-seater race car as a teenager along with other would-be Stirling Mosses, and the nature of motor racing – an international spectacle of high-speed competition, danger and glamour – seemed to provide fertile ground to create a fictional story.

The result – a novel called Redlining, described by my publisher as a high-octane thriller.

When a Russian mafia boss attempts to muscle in on a lucrative global motor racing empire, its owner hires a former CIA senior agent-turned-hitman to eliminate the Russian threat. Meanwhile, on the track, the fight for the world championship intensifies, with the leading drivers vying for the title. Among them is a tenacious American – the first woman driver to compete at this level – but rumours swirl, suggesting that she only secured the drive because of her relationship with the team owner. Can she prove she’s a formidable talent on the track? As the season-long rivalry reaches its climax, the hitman lures the Russian into a fight to the death.

Redlining is available in paperback at £9.99 from The Book Guild (bookguild.co.uk) and from amazon.co.uk. There is also a Kindle edition.

David Setchfield

David Setchfield novel cover
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