
Classic Children鈥檚 成人快手 producer-director Jeremy Swan writes a rollicking memoir

Longtime Children’s 成人快手 producer-director, Jeremy Swan, has published his memoirs: Is That You, Maureen? My Life Making Children’s TV & Beyond.

His many credits include Rentaghost, Jackanory, Grandad, Going Live!, Round the Twist, Fraggle Rock and Sooty.

From early days at Dublin’s Gaiety Theatre to working with legendary entertainers Kenneth Williams, Clive Dunn, Elaine Stritch and many more, Jeremy takes readers on a helter-skelter journey through his rich and varied career — with all wit, mischief and charm of a born storyteller.

Two hundred pages long, Is That You, Maureen? is illustrated with Jeremy’s original artwork, along with dozens of rare and unseen photographs from his life and career. The book includes a foreword by Christopher Biggins and an afterword by Anna 成人快手 OBE, former head of 成人快手 Children’s Programmes.

You can order a hardcover copy directly from tenacrefilms.bigcartel.com (RRP £19.99).

Is That You, Maureen? My Life Making Children’s TV & Beyond

ISBN: 978-1-908630-86-5


Cover of the book Is that you, Maureen? by Jeremy Swan
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