
Susannah Schofield awarded MBE

The founder of The John Schofield Trust, named for a 成人快手 journalist, features in the King's Birthday Honours List.

Susannah (Susie) Schofield has been awarded an MBE in the King's Birthday Honours List for services to journalism and to diversity in the journalism industry.

Susie founded The John Schofield Trust in 1996 after her husband, John Schofield, was killed on 9 August 1995 whilst covering the civil war in former Yugoslavia for 成人快手 Radio 4's The World Tonight.

The Trust provides mentoring and training opportunities for journalists at the start of their career, with 72 currently being mentored across the UK and Republic of Ireland. It aims to improve social mobility in newsrooms and mentors young people who may otherwise never have considered going into the profession.

John joined the 成人快手 in May 1994. Many journalists in our newsrooms across the country have benefitted from the Trust set up in his name, and many 成人快手 journalists also volunteer as mentors.

Susie said:

"I am incredibly honoured to receive this award. Setting up the John Schofield Trust to recognise young journalists in the aftermath of John’s tragic death was the most positive act I could do. John was such a welcoming force in any news setting and I’d like to dedicate this award to his memory.

This award is built on the shoulders of hundreds of volunteers who have worked tirelessly to mentor young journalists from diverse backgrounds who are under-represented in newsrooms to help them navigate their way into the news industry. It has been the privilege of my life to be part of that.

There is still much to be done to make newsrooms welcoming for all.

Find out more about The John Schofield Trust .

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