Another new life for North 3

The privately owned ‘heritage’ OB scanner, CMCR9, which at various times was known as London 5, The Midland Unit and then North 3, has been in the present ownership since early 2009.

Steve Harris, the owner, and his small team of enthusiasts lovingly restored it to working order and it has been exhibited at Steam Fairs and veteran vehicle rallies as well as attending educational visits and exhibitions ever since. It has also taken part in a considerable number of film and TV shoots, by which means it earns its living! These have usually been in London, conveyed there by low-loader and also in the rapidly developing film production industry in the Liverpool area.

Having been in Steve’s ownership for longer than it was in ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ service, North 3 was beginning to show its age, once again! To give it yet another new lease of life, the truck was down at Geoff James, Car and Commercial Refinisher at Nescliffe near Shrewsbury in the spring for another respray – its second in 12 years!

All the grey exterior was restored and resprayed and the graphics re-done, resulting in North 3 looking as fresh as in 1969 when it was first delivered to the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ.

It was back at base at Hawarden near Chester, in time for this year’s vehicle rally season, beginning with the Llandudno Transport Festival on 29 April – 1 May. Llandudno is always a very attractive event for all the family.

Llandudno will be followed by the Kelsall Steam Fair near Tarvin in Cheshire on 24-25 June. Further North 3 engagements after that are still to be arranged.

Jerry Clegg

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