
MyPension Online

Our secure online site that gives access to pension details, payslips and P60's

We have a secure online site for our members.  Pensioners are able to change their address and details of the account to which their pension is paid. They have access to their payment history, annual pension increase letter, P60 statements and information about their tax code, making it far easier to manage their affairs.

 In summary, you will be able to:

  • view your personal details;
  • change your contact details;
  • change your bank or building society account details;
  • view your payment and P60 history; and
  • access your pension increase letters.

To register

Simply click on the 'myPension online' link below. You can then register, you will need to enter the following:

  • Surname
  • Date of Birth
  • National Insurance Number
  • Personal Security Number -  If you don't have this, please call the pension service line on 0303 081 2848.

Once you have entered these details, we will email you an activation key link for you to set up your account. You will need to enter your personal details again with the activation key. You will then need to set yourself a username and password and a memorable word, you will need to enter these details each time you login to the site, so make sure you remember them!

Visit -  to register or login

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