
Zellis 成人快手 payroll data disclosure

Published: 22 June 2023

The Trustee of the 成人快手 Pension Scheme (the Scheme) is aware that the 成人快手 has been informed by its supplier IBM that their contractor, Zellis, has been affected by a vulnerability in the third-party software it uses (MOVEit Transfer, provided by Progress Software). This has led to a data breach affecting several organisations, including the 成人快手.

Zellis manage the payroll process for the 成人快手 and therefore hold personal data about 成人快手 employees and individuals engaged by the 成人快手 on a PAYE basis and in some instances information about past employees. IBM and Zellis have confirmed to the 成人快手 that no bank account details were included in the data breach.

The Trustee wants to reassure Scheme members that Zellis do not operate the Scheme’s pensioner payroll or provide any other services to the Scheme and this data breach does not directly affect the Scheme.

As a result of the data breach you may, however, be asked additional security questions when you contact the pension service line to enable the Scheme’s administrators to verify your identity.

The Trustee understands that the 成人快手 and Zellis are working to contact everyone who has been affected by the breach and you may already have received an email or letter from 成人快手 Payroll Services.

Please check for more information and the latest updates.

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