
About the 成人快手 Pension Scheme

The 成人快手 Pension Scheme is one of the biggest occupational pension schemes in the UK, providing benefits for over 50,000 people.

The 成人快手 Pension Scheme is one of the biggest occupational pension schemes in the UK, providing benefits for over 50,000 people, it is closed to new joiners. The 成人快手 believes the Scheme gives members valuable and competitive pension benefits that form a big part of your total reward package from the 成人快手.

The Trustees and the 成人快手 have a dedicated in-house team at the Pension and Benefits Centre in Cardiff who administer the Scheme and are available to help members with their pension. You can call the pension service line with any questions about your benefits from the Scheme.

Details of the pension service line and how they can help you are set out in the Help and support section.

The Trustees and the 成人快手 believe it is important for you to understand your pension benefits and the Scheme. You will receive regular Scheme communications including an annual summary report. You can also access online information including a personalised benefit statement via and Gateway.

If you have any feedback on the pensions communications you receive from the Scheme, please let us know.

About the Scheme

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