What is it?
Connected by three mainline rail services, Bexley is only 30 – 35 minutes from London centralÌý and is close to the Channel Tunnel Rail station at Ebbsfleet. The area has a number of high quality open spaces, good schools and a low crime rate.
Contrary to popular belief, Bexley is not an affluent area and has pockets of deprivation. The area's economy is underachieving, but investment is underway to bring new jobs to the area. It is the north of the borough where the majority of regeneration will take place.
The Vision
To create a Borough well connected with a range of job opportunities, quality education and training.
The council hopes to have 2,000 new homes and over 5,000 new jobs by 2016.
The council’s aim is to increase productivity of the Borough by encouraging new business investment in higher-skilled industry. Plans are underway to develop large business and office space within the area.
There are plans to tackle the transport issues in Erith’s town centre and also to strengthen the retail area, all improving the centre's investment potential.
Crayford town centre is another focus, with plans to improve the local environment. The borough is proposing a new transit system across the north of the borough. This advanced bus network would link local people to other transit systems in neighbouring boroughs - Kent Fastrack in Dartford and Greenwich Waterford Transit which will begin at Abbey Wood.
Another aim of regeneration is to improve the quality of life in the borough by creating places of recreation in the marshes of the Cray Valley area.
Where is it?
The Borough of Bexley lies in the south east of the London and borders the boroughs of Bromley, Greenwich and Dartford, Kent.
When is it happening?
Many regeneration projects are already underway in the area. Key sites will be completed by 2012 with longer-term projects, such asÌý the large Erith Quarry development completing further into the future.
The borough of Bexley is relatively new, little more than a century ago the area was almost entirely open countryside.
The coming of the railways, in the later years of the 19th century, saw the beginnings of the Bexley of today and the separate towns and villages. It was not, however, until the 1920s and '30s that communities began to cover this corner of what was then North West Kent.
The electrification of the railways added impetus to this steady development.
The Numbers
- Up to 8,000 jobs will be created with the development of Veridion Parkin Thamesmead.
- The Thames Innovation Centre will provide support for new and existing businesses - with a focus on encouraging innovation.
- Imperial Park will produce 400 new homes and 750 jobs.
- Belvedere’s Bronze Age Park will create 1,200 jobs.
- The redevelopment of Tavy Bridge will create 827 new homes.
- At least 500 new homes and 400 jobs will be created with the development of Erith Western Gateway.
- The large Erith Quarry development will produce 1,000 new homes when it is completed in 2020.
- 700 homes and 500 jobs will be created by developments in Crayford.
Who’s involved?
Bexley Borough Council
English Partnerships - the national regeneration agency which is working closely with the council on the development of the Erith Wstern Gateway.
Invest Bexley - this is a local partnership that leads regeneration in the borough. Councillor Ian Clement, leader of Bexley Council, chairs the Invest Bexley Board which includes representatives from the key local decision-makers for the public, private and voluntary sectors.
Communities and Local Government – leads the overall Thames Gateway programme and provides funding for regeneration projects in Bexley.
London Development Agency and Greater London Authority - on behalf of the Mayor of London, these organisations lead on cross-London regeneration projects and provide support to local projects in Bexley.
Use these links for further information on the Bexley development
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Thamesmead Innovation Centre – Belvedere
The Thames Innovation Centre (TIC) is a catalyst for innovative high-growth potential and technology business development in the London area. In addition to providing a stimulating and creative working environment, it acts as a bridge between entrepreneurs, universities and colleges, economic development agencies and R&D organisations.
Imperial Park – Belvedere
This is a mixed development that includes 400 new homes, a hotel and service centre for local businesses. It will create around 750 jobs.
Bronze Age Park – Belvedere
The former site of the Pirelli cable manufacturing works is to be transformed in a mixed-use business park and is expected to create 1750 jobs.
Tavy Bridge – Thamesmead
Gallions Housing Association are leading a £180million regeneration programme of the Tavy Bridge Estate in Thamesmead. When complete in 2014, the area will have over 800 new homes and new community facilities including a new health centre.

Erith Riverside: copyright DCLG
Erith Western Gateway
This flagship development in the heart of Erith town centre will transform the area, creating 500 new homes and new facilities that encourage visitors into Erith.
Erith High Street
A new library and new presmises for Resources plus are part of a new building on Erith High Street which also includes over 100 new homes. Resources plus is Bexley Council’s local labour scheme that provides training for local people and helps people looking for jobs.
Erith Quarry
Erith Quarry is a large site close to Erith town centre. Still in the very early stages of development, it has been identified as a possible site for up to 1000 new homes alongside community facilities.
Regeneration is well underway with environmental imropvements to Crayford town centre. A number of sites in the town will be developed over the next 10 years, creating up to 700 new homes and 500 jobs.