Centre for Engineering & Manufacturing Excellence
London Riverside offers 3,500 hectares of idled land, the largest area in London. The majority of the land was previously industrial land that has now fallen into disuse.
Regeneration of the area will create new homes and employment opportunities in an area that is relatively undeveloped.
The Vision
LTGDC, London Development Agency (LDA) and English Partnerships together with Newham, Havering and Barking and Dagenham Councils aim to develop the area dramatically. The aim is to create an area where people want to ‘work, invest, live and relax.’
They plan to build up to 31,000 homes and create up to 18,000 jobs across the area. There are plans to regenerate Barking town centre, making it more appealing to large high street retailers. They intend to improve on Barking station and other transport links. Plans to build the Thames Gateway Bridge, if approved, will provide an arguably much-needed link across the Thames for the East Beckton area.
The LDA plan to set the environmental benchmark for the gateways development by creating low carbon residential developments.
Barking Riverside is set to have 10,800 new homes as well as new employment areas, schools, health facilities and other community facilities.
London Riverside is to become home to ‘the biggest public park to be created in London for ever a century’. The area will eventually be twice the size of Hampstead Heath and provide a beautiful area for the local community and visitors to enjoy.
Where is it?
Lying on the north bank of the Thames, to the east of Lower Lea Valley, London Riverside covers 15 square miles in Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Newham boroughs.
When is it happening?
The development of London Riverside has already begun with homes in the Lintons and Abbey Road sites due to come to market shortly. Most projects are due to be completed by 2012 with the Wildspace Conservation Park to be completed in 2023.
The Numbers
- Barking town centre will have 8,500 new homes and 1,600 new jobs.
- A total of 3,900 homes and 1,600 jobs are expected to be provided in East Beckton.
- Planning has been granted for 10,800 homes in Barking Riverside.
- Development could produce up to 2,500 jobs in the 19,500 sq.m of new retail space and 12,000 sq.m of commercial space.
- The employment area in South Dagenham and Rainham is set to produce 6,500 homes, 7,000 jobs, 12,000 sq.m of industrial space and 6,500 sq.m of commercial space.Ìý
- The flagship conservation park will cover 645 ha.
- Rainham Village and Rainham West will have 2,500 new homes and 50 new jobs.
Who’s involved?
The London Thames Gateway Development Corporation (LTGDC), London Development Agency (LDA), English Partnerships, Bellway homes and Newham, Havering and Barking and Dagenham Councils.
Use these links below for further information on the organisations involved in the London Riverside Development:
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Barking Town Centre
Barking and Dagenham Council and the London Thames Gateway Development Corporation are working together on regeneration plans for the centre.
The plans include expanding the retail area and making it more appealing for large high street retailers. There will also be 8,500 homes included in the site. There are currently 460 completed homes and 650 under construction.
There are plans to redevelop the Lintons and Gascoigne and Fresh Wharf estates.
Transport links will be improved by the creation of a new transport gateway in the town centre. In 2008 a new bus system will link Barking town centre to Barking riverside, Ilford and Dagenham Dock.
There are also plans in place to improve Barking rail station.

Barking town centre - copyright DCLG
In early 2006 Barking and Dagenham won Local Enterprise and Growth Initiative funding to aid business expansion and new education and training facilities.
East Beckton
Previously the site for the world’s biggest gas works, East Beckton is set to be transformed by improved retail and business opportunities.
Already served by the Docklands Light Railway (DLR), East Beckton will be even more accessible with the extension of the DLR from Dagenham Dock to the new Beckton Riverside station.
Connectivity would be further improved if permission is granted to build the Thames Gateway Bridge.
The London Development Agency is promoting the low carbon development at Gallions Park. 230 homes will be built in the area.
Barking Riverside
With broad areas of derelict industrial land, former landfill sites and power station buildings, Barking Riverside is one of the largest regeneration projects in the Thames Gateway.
Barking and Dagenham Council, English Partnerships and Bellway ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖs are planning to develop 10,800 homes. The Thames View estate will be replaced with new, high quality affordable housing.
The development will include more dedicated bus routes as well as shops, two primary schools and a secondary school. 40% of the space will be used for public parks, wildlife areas and flood defence systems.
South Dagenham and Rainham Employment Area
Previously an area dominated by the Ford Motor Company, Dagenham has large plots of land declared ‘surplus to requirements’. These areas are now controlled by the London Development Agency.
15 Hectares of this land has already been developed into the Centre for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence (CEME), offering unique conference facilities.
Built next to the proposed Beam Park Station, Beam Reach Business Park in Havering is well equipped for modern industries.Ìý The area will create 7,000 jobs.
The remaining land in this area will be used to build 6,500 homes for rent and sale with community facilities such as Centre for Sporting Excellence and new schools.
Transport developments include a new rail station at Beam Park and for Dagenham Dock to become a new transport interchange linking East London Transit services and new bus services.
The Dagenham Dock area will be transformed from its current run-down state to an accessible industrial park. Since 2002 the area has created 1,400 jobs.
Residential developments and community facilities to the south of Dagenham West will commence in 2008. Developments in the East of the area are set to start in 2009 with 1,850 homes to be created by 2012.
Rainham Village and Rainham West
This beautiful historic village on the edge of London provides a safe neighbourhood for families to live, close to the new ‘Wildspace’ park.
Development in this area will create a further 2,500 homes across the centre and an area of industrial land to the west of the village. 1,700 homes should be completed by 2012. Some 50 jobs are set to be created.
Rainham station will become a new public transport interchange linking various modes of transport such as bus services and metro-style coast to coast services.
Planning for the projects are underway and are expected to start in 2008.
Wildspace Conservation Park
The eastern extremity of London Riverside between Rainham and Purfleet is to become a new flagship park for London.
The 645 hectares of space will have footpaths, boardwalks, riverside walks, information points and parking facilities.Ìý There will be a range of facilities such as education centres, cafes, children’s play area and an outdoor arena.
The project will be completed in phases with phase one set to be completed in 2008. The park should be finished in 2023.