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Georger Osborne

Ask George Osborne

George Osborne, Conservative Shadow Chancellor, will be answering your questions live on 成人快手 Radio Leeds on Monday, 1 June 2009.

George Osborne will appear live on the Liz Green show (the programme starts at 12pm) on Monday.

Liz Green with George Osborne

George Osborne live on 成人快手 Radio Leeds

What questions do you want to ask? The MP's expenses revelations have shaken Parliament to the core and there is an European election looming. But whatever the subject you are interested in this is a great chance to pose your question.

George Osborne will be appearing with Liz for the hour from 1pm.

There are several ways to get in touch with 成人快手 Radio Leeds to put your question when the programme is live on Friday.

You can:

Phone听 0845 303 3333
Text听听 07786 202 924
E-mail radioleeds@bbc.co.uk

0r: Use this form to send in YOUR question for George Osborne NOW

(Note: We may not be able to use every question submitted)

What is your question?

last updated: 01/06/2009 at 13:10
created: 10/10/2008

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