storyteller Bill Lee presents a series of tales based on his experiences of life
travelling the roads of East Kent.
Bill Lee
a video clip of Bill Lee's original wagon, which he keeps
next to his house 56k ISDN
You will need Realplayer to listen to the audio
stories below and to watch the video.
Part 1
- Bill recalls the annual round of work that Travellers undertook
on the county’s farms... (5min 20sec)
Part 2
- Bill tells of life on the road for him and his family back in
the days when they travelled the county’s roads in a traditional
horse drawn Gypsy caravan… (6min 30sec)
Part 3
- Sometimes life on the road was a relentless trudge. Hear the mixed
reception that Romany Gypsies experienced in their day-to-day lives...
(5min 20sec)
Part 4
- Bill explains how things started to change for the Romany when
the horse drawn days inevitably came to an end… (5min 30sec)
Part 5
- Bill's final Traveller’s Tale recalls how life started to change
when the old horse drawn caravan had gone and his family had entered
the age of motorised transport and modern trailers... (5min 30sec)