Alba Today
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Series 1: 27. A' tabhairt
Tha Bing a' ceannachd prèasant sònraichte. Bing is shopping for a very special present.
Series 1: 28. Crios Hùla
Tha Bing a' feuchainn air cearcall hùla! Bing tries his hand at hula hooping!
Boban is Fuigheag
Series 1: 2. An Cladhach Mòr
Tha Cladhach Mòr a' gabhail à ite an-diugh. There’s a big dig happening today.
Series 1: 3. An Dealbh as Àille
Tha Boban 'son dealbh Fuigheag a tharraing. Boban wants to draw Fuigheag’s portrait.
Series 1: 34. Am Frids Taibhseil
Tha am frids aig AH-AH taibhseil an-diugh. AH-AH’s fridge is ghostly today.
Series 1: 5. Taigh-Solais/Lighthouse
The day's word is able to seek out things that can't be seen. What could it be?
Ladybird & Bee/Daolag-bhreac is Seillean
Series 1: 13. An Oidhche
Dè am fuaim a tha siud? What’s that noise?
Series 3: 86. Goiriola
Derek MacIntosh reads Goiriola.
Belle and Sebastian
Series 1: 25. An Rèis Mhòr Nòrdach
Tha rèis dol bhith ann a-mà ireach. Gabriel is training dogs for his father.
Series 1: 26. Am Mathan Geal
Sebastian and Roberta work together to prove that there is a bear in the mountains.
Bogaisean is Gumbalan/Bottersnikes and Gumbles
Series 1: 41. Gubbo ’s a Shà r Inneal Glacaidh Chnuimh...
Tha deagh bheachdan aig Troig. Troig tries to have good ideas.
The Deep/An Doimhne
Series 1: 10. SÃ r-sgeul na Muice-mara
Tha muc-mhara bhrùideil, gheal ri sà bhaladh. There’s a huge, white whale to be saved.
An Lot/The Croft
Series 5: Episode 2
Tha Sweeny a’ faighinn droch naidheachd. Sweeny gets some bad news.
Series 4: 23. Dòchas | Hope
Fr Jarek Kwiecień, originally from Poland, talks to Joy in the studio.
Local, national and international news and information from ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ALBA
Cidsin Granaidh Chalanais
Series 1: Episode 1
Gregor takes on grannie’s recipe for rhubarb and orange jam.
Series 17: 1. Mo Mhac-Meanmna Otasamach - My Autistic Imagination...
Autistic artist M Evan MacGregor takes a journey to meet others like themself.
Series 6: Episode 3
Tha Jo a’ maoidheadh air Pòl. Jo threatens Pòl and forces him to help her.
Sadie Smith
Eddi Reader learns about her granny Sadie Smith’s football career with Rutherglen Ladies.
Series 1: Episode 3
Including an unspoken affair of the heart between two rural posties.