Alba Today
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Oscar & Ealasaid
Series 1: 18. A’ Bhanaltrum Ealasaid/When the Storm Rumbles
Ernest is sick, and Célestine is taking care of him.
Meaban and Moo
Series 3: Episode 9
Tha Meaban is Moo a’ gabhail chun an à rd-ùrlair. Meaban and Moo take to the stage.
Boban is Fuigheag
Series 1: 1. Steigt' Ort-sa
Tha Fuigheag mì-shona mu rola teip steigeach. Fuigheag is upset over a roll of sticky tape
Series 1: 2. An Cladhach Mòr
Tha Cladhach Mòr a' gabhail à ite an-diugh. There’s a big dig happening today.
Gasta a' Ghraineag/Happy the Hoglet
Series 1: 3. An t-Earrach Gasta...
Tha Gasta a' faireachdainn còsaidh. Gasta is feeling cosy.
Treubh an Tuathanais (Big Barn Farm)
Series 2: 11. Am Mèirleach Glasraich...
Cò dh’fhalbh leis na glasraich? Who has taken the vegetables?
Series 3: 83. Uair a bha Siud air Adharc Aon-adharcach
Alasdair MacLennan reads Uair a bha Siud air Adharc Aon-adharcach.
Clann Na Cruinne
Series 5: 4. Matúš – Eagal Àirde
Tha Matúš a’ fulang le eagal-à irde. Matúš suffers from a fear of heights.
Proiseact Ploigh
Series 1: Episode 2
Dr Moiteil and Professor Olive have fun with science.
Bogaisean is Gumbalan/Bottersnikes and Gumbles
Series 1: 40. Suas leis na Cnuimhean...
Tha Bonns fo bhruid an-diugh. Bonns is kidnapped today.
An Sgoil
Series 2: Episode 4
The stone from which the school gets its name is being celebrated today.
An Lot/The Croft
Series 5: Episode 1
Sweeny reflects on the past year, and discusses the pandemic.
Series 4: 22. BÃ rdachd | Poetry
Eilidh Lewsey guests and Calum Maclean is in Crail, Fife to meet poet Deborah Moffatt.
Local, national and international news and information from ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ALBA.
Garradh Phadruig
Series 1: Episode 3
Spring is in the air, Peter plants potatoes. Àm an Earraich is Pà druig a’cur bhuntà ta.
Sadie Smith
Eddi Reader learns about her granny Sadie Smith’s football career with Rutherglen Ladies.
Transatlantic Sessions
Series 3: Episode 3
Featuring collaborative performances from Michael Doucet and Sharon Shannon, among others.
Series 6: Episode 2
Tha Anndra a' lorg eilthireach aig muir. Anndra comes across a stranger at sea.
Sar Sgeoil
1. Anne of Green Gables
Cathy visits the Canadian island that inspired the much-loved novel, Anne of Green Gables.