Doctor Who (1963–1996) - Season 2: The Time Meddler: A Battle of Wits
Season 1 Episodes
- The Daleks: The Dead PlanetThe travellers explore a new world. Everything seems to be dead, but is it really?24 mins
- The Daleks: The SurvivorsLooking for Barbara, the travellers realise they have been exposed to radiation poisoning.24 mins
- The Daleks: The EscapeFearful of a Thal attack, the Daleks force Susan to trick the Thals.25 mins
- The Daleks: The AmbushPretending to be a Dalek, Ian finds that that he is trapped inside the casing.24 mins
- The Daleks: The ExpeditionIan and Barbara join a Thal force that will penetrate the Dalek city from the rear.24 mins
- The Daleks: The OrdealThe Doctor and Susan are once again taken prisoner by the Daleks.26 mins
- The Daleks: The RescueThe Thals and the TARDIS crew attack the Daleks from all sides, but the Daleks fight back.22 mins
- The Edge of Destruction: The Edge of DestructionThe TARDIS is suspended in space and the Doctor is confused by his Ship's readings.25 mins
- The Edge of Destruction: The Brink of DisasterAs the TARDIS's power threatens to escape and destroy the Ship, the crew fight each other.22 mins
- The Keys of Marinus: The Sea of DeathThe TARDIS lands on a remote island, surrounded by a sea of acid and are set a task.23 mins
- The Keys of Marinus: The Velvet WebIn the city of Morphoton, the Doctor, Barbara, Ian and Susan are welcomed as guests.25 mins
- The Keys of Marinus: The Screaming JungleIan and Barbara find a temple in the middle of a hostile jungle.24 mins
- The Keys of Marinus: The Snows of TerrorIn a snowy wasteland, Vasor, an unscrupulous trapper, imprisons the travellers.25 mins
- The Keys of Marinus: Sentence of DeathArriving in Millennius, Ian is put on trial for murder. The Doctor takes his case.25 mins
- The Keys of Marinus: The Keys of MarinusThe Doctor solves the murder mystery and finds the final missing key.25 mins
- The Aztecs: The Temple of EvilThe TARDIS lands inside an Aztec temple in 15th Century Mexico and becomes sealed off.24 mins
- The Aztecs: The Warriors of DeathThe High Priest of Sacrifice, Tlotoxl, begins to doubt Barbara's claim to be Yetaxa.24 mins
- The Aztecs: The Bride of SacrificeThe Doctor and Ian try to find a way back the TARDIS. Barbara attempts to distract Tlotoxl25 mins
- The Aztecs: The Day of DarknessTlotoxl prepares to make his move and have Barbara, the Doctor, Ian and Susan sacrificed.25 mins
- The Sensorites: Strangers in SpaceThe TARDIS lands inside a spaceship orbiting the planet Sense-Sphere.25 mins
- The Sensorites: The Unwilling WarriorsThe Doctor and his companions are on board an Earth ship trapped with the Sensorites.25 mins
- The Sensorites: Hidden DangerThe Sensorites take the Doctor and members of the spaceship crew down to their planet.25 mins
- The Sensorites: A Race Against DeathOn the Sense-Sphere, Ian has succumbed to the deadly illness that is spreading everywhere.25 mins
- The Sensorites: KidnapAs Ian's condition worsens, the Doctor is still searching fruitlessly for a cure.26 mins
- The Sensorites: A Desperate VentureThe Doctor sees the poisoning was caused by deadly nightshade and finds a cure.25 mins
- The Reign of Terror: A Land of FearAttempting to return Ian and Barbara home, the TARDIS lands in 18th century France.24 mins
- The Reign of Terror: Guests of Madame GuillotineIn Paris, Ian, Barbara and Susan are sentenced to death by guillotine.24 mins
- The Reign of Terror: A Change of IdentityBarbara and Susan are saved from the guillotine by two royalists, Jules and Jean, but why?25 mins
- The Reign of Terror: The Tyrant of France (Animated)Susan is now very ill and in desperate need of medical help. Leon finds a doctor.25 mins
- The Reign of Terror: A Bargain of Necessity (Animated)The Doctor is reunited with Barbara at the prison and arranges for her to escape.25 mins
- The Reign of Terror: Prisoners of ConciergerieThe Doctor leads Lemaitre to the royalist house where Lemaitre reveals that he is Stirling25 mins