Operation Ouch! - Series 13: 7. What a Stinker!
Series 6 Episodes
- 1. Jaw-dropping JointsThe doctors reveal the special fluid which enables your joints to withstand force.28 mins
- 2. Extraordinary EarsThe doctors reveal the amazing piece of body kit that helps your ears to pop.28 mins
- 3. Super Sensory NeuronsThe doctors take a dip in the sea to reveal how sensory neurons detect hot and cold.28 mins
- 4. Colossal CoughsThe doctors reveal how big your lungs would be if they were laid out flat.28 mins
- 5. Terrific TeethThe doctors reveal why you need differently shaped teeth to eat your food safely.28 mins
- 6. Exceptional EyebrowsThe doctors investigate why we need eyebrows.28 mins
- 7. Mind-boggling BrainsThe doctors reveal how your brain enables you to learn new things.28 mins
- 8. Marvellous ValvesThe doctors find out why blood rushes to your head when you are upside down.28 mins
- 9. Gob-smacking Growth PlatesDr Chris and Dr Xand reveal how your bones grow to make you taller.28 mins
- 10. Sensational SphinctersDr Chris and Dr Xand reveal the type of muscles that help you see... and go for a poo!28 mins
- 11. Super Strong SkullsDr Chris and Dr Xand reveal how your skull protects your brain.28 mins
- 12. Tremendous TearsDr Chris makes Dr Xand cry to demonstrate how your body makes different types of tears.28 mins
- 13. Flabbergasting FavouritesIn the last episode of the series, the doctors pick out some of their favourite moments.28 mins