Flix - Series 1: 11. Dioplòmasachd Chon
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- This episodeSeries 1: 11. Dioplòmasachd Chon
- Series 1: 10. Tha Tà lant aig TabaidhTha an t-seoth' tà lant gus bhith ann! The talent show is going to take place!11 mins
- Series 1: 9. Feachd nan Cat-fiadhaichTha Flix ‘son bhith mar shà r chat feireil. Flix wants to be like an ultimate outdoor cat.11 mins
- Series 1: 8. Aon Bhliadhna Deug Gu SìorraidhFlix wants to buy a special jacket from the shop Aon Bhliadhna Deug Gu Sìorraidh!11 mins
- Series 1: 7. Topain a’ ChaothaichTha Flix 'son film fhaicinn! Flix wants to see a film!11 mins