One Piece - Whole Cake Island (747-891): 796. The Land of Souls! Mom鈥檚 Fatal Ability!
Water Seven (207-325) Episodes
- 243. CP9 Takes Off Their Masks! Their Shocking True Faces!The masked man who is with Robin kills all the shipwrights.24 mins
- 244. Secret Bond! Iceberg And Franky!Franky arrives at the Going Merry and finds Usopp alone, fixing the ship.24 mins
- 245. Come Back, Robin! Showdodwn With CP9!In Iceburg鈥檚 bedroom, Paulie, Luffy, and Zolo fight against the members of CP9.24 mins
- 246. The Straw Hat Pirates Annihilated? The Menace Of The Leopard Model!...Lucci possesses the power of the Cat Cat Fruit and can transform into a huge leopard.24 mins
- 247. The Man Who Is Loved Even By His Ship! Usopp's Tears!At Franky鈥檚 secret warehouse, Usopp diligently continues to repair the Going Merry.24 mins
- 248. Franky's Past! The Day The Sea Train First Ran!The members of CP9 show up at Franky鈥檚 warehouse to look for the blueprints for Pluton.24 mins
- 249. Spandam's Scheme! The Day The Sea Train Shook!In Franky鈥檚 secret warehouse, as Lucci demands Franky to hand over the blueprints.24 mins
- 250. The End Of The Legendary Man! The Day The Sea Train Cried!...Tom, Franky, and Iceburg are wrongly accused of attacking the Judicial Ship.24 mins
- 251. The Truth Behind Her Betrayal! Robin's Sorrowful Decision!...At Franky鈥檚 secret warehouse, Kaku attacks Usopp and drops the Going Merry into the sea.24 mins
- 252. The Steam Whistle Forces Friends Apart! The Sea Train Starts To Run....Paulie tells the shipwrights that the Straw Hat Pirates are not the assassins.24 mins
- 253. Sanji Barges In! Sea Train Battle In The Storm!Nami is distraught about missing the Sea Train.24 mins
- 254. Nami's Soul Cries Out! Straw Hat Luffy Makes A Comeback!...Nami runs to the buildings between which Luffy is stuck, ignoring the warnings.24 mins
- 255. Another Sea Train? Rocketman Charges Forth!Luffy asks Paulie if they could borrow a ship to go to Enies Lobby, but Paulie refuses.24 mins
- 256. Rescue Our Friends! A Bond Among Foes Sworn With Fists!The Rocketman takes off after Puffing Tom. It plunges out into the ocean from Water 7.24 mins
- 257. Smash The Wave! Luffy And Zoro Use The Strongest Combo!The Rocketman is approaching the Aqua Laguna.24 mins
- 258. A Mysterious Man Appears?! His Name Is Sniper King!A mysterious man who calls himself Sogeking appears before Sanji and Franky.24 mins
- 259. Showdown Between Cooks! Sanji Vs. Ramen Kenpo!After Franky and Sogeking leave, Sanji and Wanze's battle begins.24 mins
- 260. Rooftop Duel! Franky Vs. Nero!In the battle between Sanji and Wanze, Sanji, now using knives, starts to overpower Wanze.24 mins
- 261. Clash! Demon-Slasher Zoro Vs. Ship-Slasher T-Bone!After killing the giant Sea King Creature, T-Bone had started chasing Puffing Tom on foot.24 mins
- 262. Scramble Over Robin! A Cunning Plan By Sniper King!Corgy finds Sogeking hiding inside Robin's cape, but Sogeking shoots Gunpowder Star at him24 mins
- 263. The Judicial Island! Full View Of Enies Lobby!On Puffing Tom, Sanji and Sogeking try to fight Blueno, but they are no match for him.24 mins
- 264. Landing Operations Start! Charge In, Straw Hats!Sanji and Sogeking join Luffy and the others on the Rocketman.23 mins
- 265. Luffy Cuts Through! Big Showdown On The Judicial Island!...Luffy penetrates the main gate and keeps heading toward the front gate of the island.23 mins
- 266. Battle Against Giants! Open The Second Gate!To open the gate to the main island, the Franky Family must beat the giants guarding it.23 mins
- 267. Find A Way Out! Rocketman Takes Flight!In the Judiciary Tower, Robin and Franky are brought before Spandam.23 mins
- 268. Catch Up With Luffy! The Straw Hat'S All-Out BattleLuffy manages to escape from the cliff and keeps heading toward the courthouse.23 mins
- 269. Robin Betrayed! The Motive Of The World Government!Spandam orders his men to capture the Straw Hat Pirates.23 mins
- 270. Give Robin Back! Luffy Vs. Blueno!Sanji is making his way toward the courthouse when they realize that Sogeking is missing.23 mins
- 271. Don't Stop! Hoist The Counterattack Signal!Kokoro calls Nami on the Radio Snail from the Rocketman.23 mins
- 272. Almost To Luffy! Gather At The Courthouse Plaza!Although he was blinded by the attack, Gomorra barges ahead and carries the Franky Family.23 mins
- 273. Everything Is To Protect My Friends! Second Gear Activated!...Zolo charges into the courthouse where they run into Chief Justice Baskerville.23 mins
- 274. Give Us Your Answer, Robin! The Straw Hats' Outcry!Inside the Judiciary Tower, Franky uses his Coup de Boo to take Robin to the balcony.24 mins
- 275. Robin'S Past! The Girl Who Was Called A Devil!Spandam authorizes the CP9 to kill the Straw Hat Pirates.24 mins
- 276. Fated Mother And Daughter! The Mother's Name Is Olvia!Saulo the giant discovers that he has drifted to Ohara and that Robin is Olvia's daughter.24 mins
- 277. The Tragedy Of Ohara! The Terror Of The Buster Call!Clover explains his theory on the Blank Century to the Gorosei.24 mins
- 278. Say You Want To Live! We Are Your Friends!Saulo and Robin try to get off the island but are intercepted by Vice Admiral Kuzan.24 mins
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