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Hey Duggee - Series 5: 5. The Mime Badge - Signed
Series 1 Episodes
- 1. The Drawing BadgeIt's raining, so Duggee and the Squirrels stay indoors to do some drawing.7 mins
- 2. The Cake BadgeHappy finds a cake lying around in the field and decides to eat it. But whose cake is it?7 mins
- 3. The Hair BadgeDuggee is having a bad hair day. Can the Squirrels help him at all?7 mins
- 4. The Summer Holiday BadgeThe Squirrels are out tobogganing with Duggee when they spot a bird falling from the sky.7 mins
- 5. The Rescue BadgeEnid the cat is stuck up the tree. How will Duggee and the Squirrels get her down?7 mins
- 6. The Super Squirrel BadgeThe Squirrels decide they want to be superheroes. Is there anyone that needs their help?7 mins
- 7. The Jam BadgeDuggee is making jam, but then his fruit is stolen.7 mins
- 8. The Treasure Hunt BadgeThe Squirrels find a treasure map inside Duggee's big shiny ruby.7 mins
- 9. The Scarecrow BadgeThe birds keep eating Duggee's grain, so the Squirrels build a scarecrow to help.7 mins
- 11. The Bouncing BadgeIt's Tag's birthday and Duggee has put up a bouncy castle to celebrate.7 mins
- 12. The Leaf BadgeThe Squirrels go for a woodland walk and hear the strangest noise.7 mins
- 13. The Omelette BadgeDuggee decides to make an omelette, but there are no eggs. Where are all the chickens?7 mins
- 14. The Food Growing BadgeDuggee is sowing seeds. The Squirrels ask if they can grow something too.7 mins
- 15. The Paddling Pool BadgeIt's a scorcher of a day. Luckily, Duggee has a big paddling pool. Yippee!7 mins
- 16. The Paper Boat BadgeDuggee shows the Squirrels how to make a paper boat out of newspaper.7 mins
- 17. The Castle BadgeThe Squirrels hear an echoing voice coming from the top of a castle's spooky tower.7 mins
- 18. The Show and Tell BadgeDuggee has something really interesting to show the Squirrels.7 mins
- 19. The Rocking Horse BadgeDuggee is tidying when he comes across his old rocking horse, Bucky.7 mins
- 20. The Get Well Soon BadgeNorrie is sick. Can the Squirrels think of something to cheer her up?7 mins
- 21. The Hiccup BadgeThe Squirrels meet a worm who has swallowed a bit too much earth and has got the hiccups.7 mins
- 22. The Maze BadgeThe Squirrels build a maze out of all the things in Duggee's workshop.7 mins
- 23. The Rain Dance BadgeDuggee teaches the Squirrels a rain dance to perk up his sad flowers on a very hot day.7 mins
- 24. The Acorn BadgeNorrie learns that some trees shed their leaves in autumn. But ouch! What has Roly found?7 mins
- 25. The Balloon BadgeSomething unexpected happens when Duggee gives Tino the mouse some birthday balloons.7 mins
- 26. The Tinsel BadgeIt's nearly Christmas and Duggee is wrapping presents to go under the tree.7 mins
- 27. The Hide-and-Seek BadgeDuggee and the Squirrels decide to play hide-and-seek.7 mins
- 28. The Sheep BadgeThe Squirrels are playing when they notice that there is a sheep in the clubhouse.7 mins
- 29. The Spider BadgeThe Squirrels are playing when Norrie discovers a spider in the dressing-up box.7 mins
- 30. The We Love Animals BadgeWhen Duggee strokes Enid the cat, the Squirrels want to find animals they can stroke too.7 mins
- 31. The Snowman BadgeThe Squirrels play outside in the snow and decide to build a jolly-looking snowman.7 mins
- 32. The Decorating BadgeDuggee is painting the clubhouse. The Squirrels ask if they can help too.7 mins
- 33. The Tidy Up BadgeIt is time for a Squirrel clubhouse spring clean. Duggee has bought an amazing new hoover.7 mins
- 34. The Circus BadgeThe circus is in town and the Squirrels are excited until they see it's a flea circus.7 mins
- 35. The Egg BadgeOne of the chickens is laying her eggs.7 mins
- 36. The Puppy BadgeDuggee's nephew Dugley comes to stay.7 mins
- 37. The Cardboard Box BadgeThe Squirrels dress up as brave knights in cardboard costumes.7 mins
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