Bogaisean is Gumbalan/Bottersnikes and Gumbles - Series 1: 24. Gumbal Ro Fhada!
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- Series 1: 27. An Caiptean SgrìobairTha cumhachd aig Uilidh an-diugh. Uilidh has power today.12 mins
- Series 1: 26. Na Gumblan Mìorbhaileach UdCà ite bheil an drà gon òtrach? Where is the dump dragon?12 mins
- Series 1: 25. Falt FuadainTha Uilidh airson crùn an Rìgh a ghoid. Uilidh wants to steal the King’s crown.12 mins
- This episodeSeries 1: 24. Gumbal Ro Fhada!
- Series 1: 23. Sgòthach Le Teans’ De GhumbladhTha Fleod là n èadhar an-diugh. Fleod is full of air today.12 mins