Sionnach agus Maigheach (Fox & Hare) - Series 1: 8. Riaghailtean/Rules
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- Series 1: 12. Dathan/ColourBrush is having her forest house painted in a more fashionable colour.11 mins
- Series 1: 11. Ionmhas/TreasureTusk is painting a portrait of Ping Wing. Frustrated, he throws away his attempts.11 mins
- Series 1: 10. Co-ogha/CousinFox is fed up with Tusk always boasting about his toughness.11 mins
- Series 1: 9. Rùn-dìomhair/SecretOwl wants to enter a drawing contest, but fears his work is not good enough.11 mins
- This episodeSeries 1: 8. Riaghailtean/Rules