
成人快手 Royal Charter archive

The Royal Charter is the constitutional basis for the 成人快手.

Image: the 成人快手's Royal Charter from 2017. Video: Jean Seaton, Professor of Media History at The University of Westminster, and the Official Historian of the 成人快手 explains the importance of continuity in the 成人快手 Royal Charter.

The Royal Charter is the constitutional basis for the 成人快手. It sets out the public purposes of the Corporation, and guarantees its independence. The 成人快手’s new Charter commenced on 1 January 2017.

The 成人快手 started life as a Company, changing to a Corporation following a report by the Crawford Committee. The Government accepted the Committee's findings and established by Royal Charter, the British Broadcasting Corporation. The Charter set out the way in which the 成人快手 would be governed.

The first Charter ran for 10 years from 1 January 1927 and recognised the 成人快手 as an instrument of education and entertainment. Subsequent Charters expanded this remit to include the dissemination of information. The eighth Charter (1 January 2007) charged the 成人快手 with delivering the latest technology to the public and taking a leading role in the switchover to digital television, and the latest (from 1 January 2017), sets out major changes to the way the 成人快手 is to be run for an 11 year period.

Key elements of the 成人快手 Royal Charter, 2017, include:

  • OFCOM to be the external independent regulator of the 成人快手.
  • The government to provide "guidance" to OFCOM on "content requirements" for the 成人快手.
  • A new "unitary board" consisting of four government appointed members and a Chair, and nine 成人快手 appointed members, to consider any "issues or complaints that arise post-transmission".
  • Editorial decisions to "remain the responsibility of the Director-General".
  • The possibility of production by independent companies to exist for all 成人快手 programmes except news and some parts of current affairs.
  • The National Audit Office to have a "stronger role" in looking at how the 成人快手 spends its money.

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