Find out more
Ecclesiastical History (Vol II, Books 3 & 4) by Orderic Vitalis (Oxford University Press, 1983)
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle with translation from Garmansway's revision of the text (Boydell and Brewer, various editions)
The Anglo-Saxons edited by James Campbell (Penguin, 1991)
The English and the Norman Conquest by Ann Williams (Boydell and Brewer, 1997)
Conquest and Colonisation by Brian Golding (Palgrave, 2001)
William the Conqueror by David Bates (Tempus, 2001)
Anglo-Norman England by M Chibnall (Blackwell Publishers, 1987)
Places to visit
Bayeux Tapestry: Centre Guillaume le Conquérant. Tel: 00 33 2 31 51 25 50
Bayeux Cathedral was founded by Odo of Bayeux on money made from Conquest. The architecture mirrors parts of the tapestry. Tel: 00 33 2 31 92 01 85
was built by Edward the Confessor. Edward was buried there, and both Harold and William were crowned there. Tel: 020 7222 7110
Battle Abbey Site of the Battle of Hastings. Battle Abbey was erected on the site of Senlac Ridge where Harold fell.
About the author
Dr Donald MacRaild is head of history at the university of Northumbria at Newcastle. He is author of Irish Migrants in Modern Britain (Palgrave, 1999) and co-author with Jeremy Black of Studying History (Palgrave, 2000) - as well as a number of books and articles on aspects of Irish migration and labour history.