The genesis of a rebellion
Tuesday, 2nd May 1916 |
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The latest news about the Sinn Féin rising is good. On Sunday General Maxwell informed a group of Press representatives that the back of the rising was broken, but not yet over. We know that, although most of the leaders in Dublin had surrendered unconditionally after a parley in which they attempted to gain terms, there was considerable street fighting on Sunday, and that during yesterday parties of snipers were still being hunted down in several parts of the centre of the city. Last evening, however, an official communique was sent out stating that all the Dublin rebels had surrendered, and that the city was now quite safe. One thousand prisoners had been taken up to that time, 489 of whom had been sent to England. The Enniscorthy rebels surrendered unconditionally yesterday. A very lenient course has been taken with the rebels in the provinces. Informed of the surrender of the leaders in Dublin, they were allowed to send small parties under military escort to the capital to confirm these reports, and in return to their various fellow dupes with the news.
that the connection between this disloyal movement and Germany was now complete...
An insurgent "lieutenant" with ten men came in from Meath on Sunday on this mission, and were allowed to interview Pearse, the Commander in Chief. Doubtless the same course has been taken with the Enniscorthy rebels. The only other centres of serious disturbance from which there is at present no similar news are Galway and Wexford and it may be assumed that in both these areas the mass of the rebels will be only too glad to make capitulation by laying down their arms when they learn of the collapse in Dublin. We said a week ago, with the scant knowledge we then had, that the connection between this disloyal movement and Germany was now complete; that the manner of Sir Roger Casement’s capture proved that German gold and German influence had all along been at the back of the sedition mongers in this country. The way in which the German Press dealt with Casement’s capture and the rising in Dublin was sufficient to show that we were right in this view. They could not hide their disappointment and chagrin. Apparently great things were expected to flow from the rebellion – great things politically. In the United States especially. And the admission was sorrowfully made that little good could now be expected to come of it. News from New York gives quite a sensational turn to the connection between the Germans and the rebels.
The Belfast News Letter, Tuesday, 2nd May 1916 |