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open mike night for poets is on the 28th of March at 8pm
Admission is FREE
The box office number is 01905 611427
you have a talent with rhyme, but no outlet to show off your poetic
outpourings, then this could be the night for you.
There's been a long tradition of open mike nights at comedy venues,
when would-be comics can find out whether the jokes and stories
they've practiced in front of the bathroom mirror are really funny
or not.
Now the Huntingdon Hall has decided to offer the same chance to
On Sunday the 28th of March they're holding another open mike night
for poets.
Anyone can come along and read their work, though how long a slot
they get depends on how many people want to read.
Previous nights have introduced Worcester poets who now work on
writing projects together.
Admission is free, so dust off your undiscovered masterpiece and
take to the stage.