18th December 2003 Jenny
plays the middle aged bimbo |
Eclair |
breaking stand up comedian Jenny Eclair brings her wit and wisdom
to Worcester. |
make it clear at the outset that the phrase "middle-aged bimbo"
is one Jenny Eclair has chosen herself.
As any heckler stupid enough to interupt Ms Eclair in full stream
will know, she's not a woman to be crossed.
The wildest and wickedest comedian in Britain  |
Daily Mirror |
She shot
to fame via the Edinburgh Fringe festival and (scandalously) is still
the only woman to win a Perrier Award.
Time hasn't
mellowed her and she's still one of Britain's most shockingly brilliant
live performers.
In the
last few years, her reputation for earthy, high-octane material has
spread internationally with visits to the Melbourne Comedy Festival
and The Montreal Just For Laughs Comedy Festival.
Not only
a fine stand up and TV performer, Jenny is also an accomplished actress,
and has enjoyed West End success, appearing in 'Steaming', 'The Vagina
Monologues' and, most recently, 'Mum's The Word' at the Albery Theatre
alongside Patsy Palmer, Imogen Stubbs, Carole Decker and Cathy Tyson.
She has
made guest appearances on 'Call My Bluff', 'V. Graham Norton' and
'Liquid News' and has written for The Evening Standard and the Daily
completing her first novel, 'Camberwell Beauty', Jenny has started
work on her second book. |
