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drawings are by gothic fantasy artist Glenn James
Glenn is 34 and lives in Whittington
The drawing can be seen throughout March at Droitwich library
work of gothic fantasy artist Glenn Jones is going on show at Droitwich
library this month.
The illustrations are of characters from Glenn's novel Skaler: Being
the tale of an Uncommon Bat.
The style is heavily influenced by old horror films and in particular
the black and white classic Nosferatu.
This means the vampires are truly scary and far-removed from the
suave dress-suited blood-suckers of countless Hammer horror films.
As Glenn explains the drawings relate to the main characters in
his novel, the hero Skaler and the vampire Prince Germane.
"I really admire old horror films, especially the early German
expressionist work, or the early Universal films.
"My black and white drawings are a tribute to those early directors,
as I really think they were onto something deliciously creepy in
their gothic work.
The drawing shows the Prince appearing to Skaler in nightmares,
as he was responsible for Skaler becoming a vampire and now haunts