175-225g/6-8oz onions, chopped
freshly chopped parsley and chives
salt and freshly ground pepper
6 medium-sized potatoes, e.g. Golden Wonder, cut into 5mm/录 in dice.
pinch of cayenne pepper
25g/1oz flour
pinch of mace
850ml/1陆 pints homemade fish stock or, if no fish stock, water
1 tbsp olive or sunflower oil
crusty bread and butter
425ml/戮 pint milk
150ml/录 pint single cream
110g/4oz streaky bacon, rind removed, cut into 5mm/录 in dice
450g/1lb mixed cooked shellfish - mussels, clams, scallops, shrimps or prawns and the cooking liquor.
700g/1陆 lb haddock, monkfish, cod or other firm white fish (or a mixture), free of bones and skin
Bouquet garni made up of 6 parsley stalks, 2 sprigs of thyme and 1 bay leaf