Winner of the Best Animated Feature Oscar in 2003, Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away is "one of the most impressive animated features of this year, or any other." The arrival of this charming film to UK DVD is welcome, especially as it draws upon the best of the already available US and Japanese discs.
Captured Magic
Distributor Optimum has wisely avoided the distinctly unimpressive Japanese DVD transfer of the film, which suffered from an unwelcome red tinge. Instead it has used the US DVD transfer, which beautifully captures the rich detail of the magical animation. With optional 5.1 Japanese and English dubs you can watch the film as you prefer, although we'd recommend the Japanese track.
Frame By Frame
For anime fans, the Japanese DVD did appeal - despite the incorrect transfer - due to a multi-angle option to watch the entire film in storyboard form. This has been made available to the UK disc, and while it might not sound like something you'd want to sit right through, you'll be surprised at just how entrancing the storyboard art is.
Miyazaki Cooks!
If the film hasn't already made you an immediate fan of Miyazaki, the 47-minute Nippon TV programme on the making of the film should seal the deal. A highly charismatic man, he clearly puts his heart into what he does. He even cooks for his workforce, using instant noodles (ten blocks thereof). His pitching in drives a dedicated team of animators, who we follow in what becomes an exciting and entertaining race against time to get the movie finished.
This DVD was reviewed on a JVC XV-N5 DVD player.