23 – 25 Aug 2013, Reading & Leeds
Fri 23 Aug 2013 Reading, ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Introducing Stage
Sat 24 Aug 2013 Leeds, ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Introducing Stage
Supported by ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Introducing in Beds, Herts & Bucks

Working as a truly independent artist, Milton Keynes based Zaheer has taken his music projects as producer and musician from one level to the next.

With a tireless attitude to promotion and creation, Zaheer has gained himself a large online following and the backing of some of the most renowned DJs in the music industry. With support from his local ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Introducing show on ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Three Counties Radio, the fruits of his labour have been playlisted by national ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ stations and passed through the decks of MistaJam, Yasser, Charlie Sloth and Twin B.

Zaheer recently released his own debut EP, Mood Swings, featuring a host of collaborations including Abiade, Swami Baracus, ShaoDow, Genesis Elijah and RKZ. You can expect his live show at Reading and Leeds to mirror these intelligent hip hop productions closely with guitarist Matt Parisi and drummer Ollie Taylor.

Working as a truly independent artist, Milton Keynes based Zaheer has taken his music projects as producer and musician from one level to the next.

With a tireless attitude to promotion and creation, Zaheer has gained himself a large online following and the backing of some of the most renowned DJs in the music industry. With support from his local ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Introducing show on ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Three Counties Radio, the fruits of his labour have been playlisted by national ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ stations and passed through the decks of MistaJam, Yasser, Charlie Sloth and Twin B.

Zaheer recently released his own debut EP, Mood Swings, featuring a host of collaborations including Abiade, Swami Baracus, ShaoDow, Genesis Elijah and RKZ. You can expect his live show at Reading and Leeds to mirror these intelligent hip hop productions closely with guitarist Matt Parisi and drummer Ollie Taylor.

Set List on ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Introducing Stage on 23 Aug 2013 at Reading

Assemble (feat. Abiade, Rukus, Swami Baracus, Genesis Elijah & Shao Dow)
See Me
Stand And Deliver