- Arr. Thomas Dausgaard and Timo AlakotilaPrelude: Finnish and Swedish Traditional Music and excerpts from Kullervo
- Kullervo
- Timo Alakotilaharmonium
- Taito Hoffrenvocals and shaman drum
- Ilona Korhonenvocals
- Vilma Timonenkantele
- Helena Juntunensoprano
- Lund Male Choir(Lunds Studentsångare)
- Benjamin Applbaritone
- Thomas Dausgaardconductor
- Alastair Savagefiddle
- Euan Drysdaleguitar
- Iain Crawforddouble bass
- Rab Wallacepipes
- Eddie McGuireflute
- Ewan Robertsonwhistle, piccolo and flute
Concert information
“Kullervo, son of Kalervo/Had the very bluest stockings/And the fairest golden hair…” Every story has to start somewhere, and in this remarkable choral symphony the young Sibelius took inspiration from Finland’s most ancient poem, the Kalevala. This is Sibelius in the raw: the tragedy of a young hero and a love more terrible than war, told in music of epic power and brooding passion. So gather round: Thomas Dausgaard, two magnificent young singers and one of Scandinavia’s best choirs retell the story tonight, alongside performances of folk music from the same far Northern roots.
And then, let’s dance: the evening – and our season – ends with a party in the Old Fruitmarket with a collaboration between tonight’s Finnish folk musicians and the Alastair Savage Trio and Friends. A separate ticket is required for entry.
Prelude: 6.45pm in the Recital Room and Foyer - a chance to meet the folk musicians performing in the concert.
The main concert will be broadcast live on ˿ Radio 3, presented by Jamie MacDougall.
Please note: there will be no interval.