Katherine Minola
Career politician Katherine (never "Kate") Minola is one of Parliament's better-known personalities, partly for her firmly held convictions and her swift rise to power, but largely for her unusually frank manner of putting her point across. Her direct, if not blunt and rude, verbal manner and fiery temper have kept her in the headlines, as well as freqently landing her in trouble.
In one memorable instance, she was fined and barred from entering the Commons chamber for two weeks, after calling the then 成人快手 Secretary a "shifty-eyed wifeswapping weasel whose professional incompetence and lack of vision are only surpassed by his moral turpitude," during a debate on Inheritance Tax reform, despite having been twice asked by the Speaker to desist from such personal insults.
Another notable occasion on which Mrs Minola's temper brought her to the public's attention was the notorious "Child Benefit Row" edition of Newsnight, during which Ms Minola responded to Jeremy Paxman's repeated questioning by spitting at him and storming out of the studio. The incident was later memoralised in a popular T-shirt reading "Oy, Paxman, you're not the only gobby one!"
Ms Minola's outspokenness, however, seems to have done her no harm with the electorate, who appear to find her directness and lack of "spin" refreshing. As the Party member with the highest public recognition score, with a reputation for hard work and strategic thinking and experience gained in a wide range of senior Shadow Cabinet posts, Katherine Minola is currently a strong contender for the party Leadership.
Whether the public's admiration of her forthright manner will translate into genuine ballot-box support, or whether the rather cold and self-contained lifestyle of this 38-year old singleton will prove a turn-off for the voters still remains to be seen at this time.
Disclaimer: This is a webpage created for the 成人快手 ONE updating of The Taming of the Shrew - the persons, places and events described in it are all completely fictitious and any resemblance to any real persons, places or events is entirely co-incidental.
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