The last of Shakespeare's four great tragedies, Macbeth is considered by many to be his darkest work.
After returning from a victorious battle, Macbeth and Banquo are met by three witches who say that Macbeth will be Thane of Glamis (his original title), Thane of Cawdor, and finally King; Banquo will be the father of Kings to come. The pair dismiss the prophecies until King Duncan hands Macbeth Cawdor's title in return for his loyal service.
Realising the second prediction has come true, Macbeth and his wife Lady Macbeth plot to kill the King after hearing Duncan is planning to visit their home. That evening, as he is preparing to kill Duncan, Macbeth sees a floating dagger, which leads him to Duncan's room. When Lady Macbeth signals that the preparations are complete Macbeth enters Duncan's room and kills him. He immediately feels guilty so Lady Macbeth takes control of the situation and plants the bloodied dagger on the bodyguards.
Once Macduff has discovered the body, Macbeth kills the two bodyguards, supposedly in a fit of rage, and the king's sons Malcolm and Donalbain run away in fear of their lives. Assuming they left because they were guilty rather than scared, the King's sons are suspected of plotting to kill their father and Macbeth is crowned the new King of Scotland.
Banquo becomes suspicious of Macbeth so the new king hires assassins to kill him and his son Fleance, thus preventing the witches' prophecy. They half do the job, killing Banquo while Fleance escapes.
Macduff, also convinced that Macbeth is guilty, travels to England and joins forces with Malcolm.
Macbeth revisits the witches who tell him to fear 'no man born of woman', which he takes to mean that no one can kill him. As he prepares for an English invasion Macbeth learns that his wife is dead, the stress over her part in Duncan's death having driven her mad.
The battle begins and no man is able to take Macbeth down. Finally he meets Macduff on the battleground. Confident that he cannot be killed, Macbeth tells him of the witches' prophecy. Macduff replies that he was "from my mother's womb untimely ripp'd", which meant he was delivered by Caesarian section, therefore not born of a woman in the traditional sense. The play ends with the death of Macbeth via Macduff's sword, and Malcolm is crowned King of Scotland.
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