As You Like It
Sometimes referred to as one of Shakespeare's 'stock comedies', As You Like It mixes amusing lines with dramatic tension.
Following the tale of two pairs of brothers, As You Like It begins as Duke Frederick takes power over his older brother Duke Senior and sends him to the Forest of Arden.
Meanwhile brothers Orlando and Oliver are fighting between themselves when Orlando decides to rebel against his controlling older brother. Oliver sets up a wrestling match, where he hopes his brother will be killed, but Orlando wins the fight and shocks everyone, including Rosalind who falls for him. Rosalind is the daughter of Duke Senior who sees Orlando just before she leaves the city with her cousin Celia to follow her father to Arden. Soon after the win, Orlando and his servant Adam also escape to the forest after Orlando discovers his brother's plot to kill him.
Orlando finds Duke Senior, who lets him stay with him and his group, but he can't stop thinking about Rosalind. He carves her name on trees and leaves sonnets hanging from branches wherever he passes, which are found by Rosalind and Celia. Rosalind, who has disguised herself as a man, Ganymede, meets Orlando and talks to him about his love for Rosalind and agrees to help him win her over.
Whilst on his way to see Ganymede one day, Orlando sees a man being hunted by a lioness. When he realises the man is his brother, Orlando attacks the lion. His brother is so grateful he immediately asks his Orlando to forgive him and the two are reunited.
After being wounded by the lion, Orlando is unable to continue to see Ganymede so he sends his brother as a messenger. Oliver realises Ganymede is in fact Rosalind, and whilst visiting, he falls in love with Celia and a wedding is planned for the next day. Depressed that he has not found happiness himself, Orlando is convinced to go to the wedding when Ganymede promises that if he attends Rosalind will be there to marry him.
The two marriages are carried out as Ganymede reveals herself as Rosalind, and the group return to the kingdom in after Duke Frederick's change of heart.
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