wow that was so
good! i met some
of you guys when
i visited
england! glad
owen has grown
his hair now
though! the film
was amazing!
john footface
i thought this
was extremely
good! i dont go
to wallace hall
at all!
This was
definitely the
best 60 second
Shakespeare. It
should without
doubt be put on
the TV for the
nation to see
and enjoy. Well
done guys it was
I thought this
film was
wonderful! The
girls in it were
very hot!!
Great one guys.
The pictures
look professional,
the sound was
accurate and the
music set the
atmosphere in a
great way. Put it on TV!
The style adopted was
good, and the grey
filter used also added
to the overall eerie
effect. However, I felt
that the voices could
have been more
expressive - some
emphasis on particular
words was not
corretcly placed and
lacked feeling and
meaning. I think that
the photography side
was excellently done as
well, and the chosen
music added greatly to
the overall film. Well