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24 September 2014

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Watch a 60 Second Shakespeare

"The Witches' Potion"

By Holme Grange School Wokingham - Teacher Andrew Hopkins

Featuring Charlie, Max, Alex, Tim, Cameron, Tom, Mauricio, Tom, Isaac.

Watch "The Witches' Potion"

About this film

The boys adapted the famous witches' potion from Shakespeare's Macbeth to include some more contemporary ingredients. They performed it with great relish for a school assembly.

Your reviews

Adam Carpenter
It was a good play, but could be better. There wasn't any acting, but the expression in the words put a lot into it. If there was a bit more acting it would be perfect, but i still rate it 77%.

Very original, but not exactly Shakespeare prose.

That was the best, little people are always the most interesting :D

This was really great fun - everyone vote for this as it is the best.


Wow - they are great. Certainly brought a smile to my face. Well done guys

Jenny Blackburn
Scary but brilliant!

It was good, different but good and the only problem was they should have put some action into it.

stupid person
This is amazing but I thought that it was funny too. I thought that Alex Ekins was the best.

Ross Paton
It's great how people can make Shakespeare really intresting and enjoy it, its great fun and its just the case here.

Simon Dingwall
I'm very impressed to see children of this age making an attempt. It wasn't bad at all, and had good ideas in it. Good for the age group. 7/10.

Really good! Very clear speaking, but there waz no acting. Well done! xXx

er...very cheerful! quite good tho. (the little kid with the blomde hair looked evil!)

haylz! x
I thought that was well cute! 'Lil primary kids doing it! Awwwwww! I thought that you could have done some acting.

Kathryn Harrop
It was good and clear. Good rhyming. Overall, a good performance.

Steffi Mustard
This film is quite good, however it had no acting, so it was a bit zzz!

Quite good, could hear it well. The little kid with blonde hair looked evil though! Needs a bit more acting.

I liked the rhyming. I thought they were sweet and a bit gruesome with the toe nail clippings.

Rory Coe
Extremely disgraceful but good for their age.

Thats good, very good ryhme poem thing. 8 out of 10!!!!!!!!!

Wayhay! You didn't diss year nines. That was really good, well done. I like the ryhmes.

Not enough action and I think they are trying too hard to act well.

Dominic Smith
This was very average, but I dont know how people can give it 89% good. Better than some of the high school productions though.

An well executed poem with some excellent ideas. Presentation was very good.

Alex Ekins
I thought I would never get on the web but to watch myself was amazing. But Mr Hopkins put loads of hard work into it so he should get credit too.

I liked this witty entry.

That was certainly different. Well worth watching if you detest primary students. Also its nice to se students taking an interest in Shakespeare and making it fun as when I studied it for GCSE I know that it was quite boring in places. 10 out of 10. Well done.

Aww, so cute! Little buggers made me smile.

This is wicked we are actually on the web! Fame!

Tom Hutchins
"Everyone did very well acting this 60 second scene, but no one did the more towards it than Mr Hopkins"

Great interpretation!

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60 Second Shakespeare

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