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28 October 2014

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Watch a 60 Second Shakespeare

"Romeo and Chav-iet"

By Hall Green Senior, teacher Mr Kennedy

Featuring Claudia, Josie, Beth, Mollie and Samantha.

Watch "Romeo and Chav-iet"

About this film

We have created a 60 second new version of the well known play, Romeo and Juliet that is understandable and 'chavtastic'! We have the two main characters Romeo and Juliet and then extras include the 'bredrins' all played, filmed and edited by girls. We hope you enjoy our short comedy.

Your reviews

Quite funny........nice modernisation, but not what we define as chavs though. They weren't wearing tracksuits for a start, they looked more like greebs, with their hoods pulled over their heads, especially the one in the black top. Nice effort though.


That was cool bringing out the 'chav' influence were all subjected too but i agree that few lines from the play were used.

Simon dingwall
Well, that was interesting but not quite up to standard with the rest of the productions. What is a chav anyway? What is Burbury and what was that terrible pice of showmanship?

What's everyone moaning for? It's not like they were making some big Hollywood film, they weren't going to go to a different place in England to film it and buy a load of Burberry were they? It was wicked and they should all be proud of themselves, because it's the funniest on here, and the most different.

Kate and Ella
Very unusual and effective juxtaposition of the 'chav' influence in modern day times, and the die hard love story that transcends all limitations. Very, very moving!

CHAV... CHAV??!! Chav is such a rubbish word. NEDS! Much better.

Wow!!That is cool!

Try harder next time, that was poor, very poor. I only heard one line "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo".

I liked the idea but who was Romeo? And the chavs weren't as chavish as they should have been. Come to Glasgow! And "Tej" was right, where IS the Burberry!?!

Where's the Burberry? Go to Dagenham!

I didn't get it at all.

That was brilliant - chavs are so funny... and the bredwins but at the end made me laugh so much!

Wouldn't dare! That was naf! They were really bad impressions of chavs - who'd wanna be a chav anyway?! Was fun to laugh at!

Fred Perry
You call that a chav? The cast have obviously not done their homework. I suggest you take a visit to Sherburn!

Simon Dingwall
Not great acting there. It is always hard to bring Shakespeare plays to the present. They made an effort but shouldn't have done it in this way. 3/10. Forgive if I'm wrong, because I struggled to hear the dialogue.

There was no plot. I found it hard to understand.

Dominic Smith
What was that? There was no relation to Romeo and Juliet and they dont even look like chavs! If you want to see chavs you should come to our school for costume ideas.

Didn't get it at all! It was quite good but they didn't look that much like chavs!

I didn't really understand! Also chavettes? Erm... not likely, more like hooded gangstas! If you want chavs check out Leeds and Sherburn for a few ideas!

Didn't really get the point to the story, and they didn't dress much like chavs! However well done, I could tell they put some effort in!

You could not tell who was Romeo or what was going on. They don't look like chavs and the music is so off-putting, it doesn't suit the film at all!

There was no distinct plot relating to Romeo and Juliet itself, and there was only really one relation to the play itself.

Ethel Teet
I personally thought it was very good, bringing Shakespeare's word forward to modern day, and putting across the fact we still do have divides in society. I think those girls did an excellent job.

Ashlee Griffths
I thought this was absolutely amazing as they captured the chavvyness extremely well and I also thought that the ginger haired girl was by far the best and will maybe one day make it as an actresses.

I think it's very well made. The idea is excellent. It definately shows how things would have happened *nowadays*. Very good well done.

I thought the music in the comedy was slighty offputting and the voices were not clear enough, but on the whole, very good!!!

Lydia Smith
I thought that the filming was pretty poor and the film was blurry and had white lines across the screen but if that was alright I would have given it 90 out of 100.

Toni Jones

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