Watch a 60 Second Shakespeare
"All in a Night of Ecstasy"
By cre8 studios, teacher Keith Phillips
Featuring Sumaira, Chloe, Ben, Nicky, Joe, Sherylee, Jon, Rosie, Nicky, Katherine, Sam, Georgia, and Chris. Produced by Sumaira, written by Katherine, directed by Neelma, camera by Katherine, lighting by Rosie, visual effects by Georgina, sound by Sherylee, Sumaira and Chloe and editing by Katherine. Music by Barry Andrews.
Watch "All in a Night of Ecstasy"
About this film
Although not all of Shakespeare's plays were love stories, they often included a romantic and very human element to them. For our 60 Second Shakespeare we decided to merge several different Shakespeare plays together, all with a common theme of love. Situated in a nightclub in modern times, our film delves in and out of the stories of different people in the club, each showing different components of love: love created by drugs, true love, unrequited love, love that ends in tragedy. In this way we hope to have shown a wide range not only of Shakespeare's plays, but of the emotion within them. The fact that these plays still work in the 20th Century shows that people don't change, and that Shakespeare's writing is as relevant today as it ever has been.
Your reviews
Becs Wow!
It is so good -
professional [:
Love it
Mark Love it
Katy Great work guys.
it looks fantastic
again. Although
1.45 is hardly 60
James Translates
beautifully into
a contemporary
idiom. And it's
beautifully lit.
Jon Amazing.
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