Watch a 60 Second Shakespeare
"Death Marked Love"
By Madras College
Teacher - Roisin McGrath
Featuring - Adam, Ross, Jaimie (Romeo), Chelsea, David, Michael, Zara, Ellis, Chloe, Jade (Angel of Death), Connor, Jane, Hordan, Katie, Elizabeth (Juliet), Chris, Alan.
Watch "Death Marked Love"
About this film
Five Second Year (Year 8) classes from Madras College, St. Andrew,s Fife, Scotland, created different versions of one theme: Romeo & Juliet, sectarianism and religious intollerance. The classes used costume symbolically; specifically Rangers and Celtic football strips which they brought in themselves, showing the gang rivals ando ne actor wore a white mask to symbolise the "sectarian Angel of Death2. What follows are the Madras Mixes.
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