Series 3 - Episode 6

Friday 14th April 2006, 9 - 10pm,
"Well done Stacie for hitting that guy - good one."
"This last episode of series 3 was absolutely brilliant. It was funny, sharp, and quick witted. All the actors were on top form and it was a brilliant way to end the series.
Danny was hilarious tonight, and well done Stacie for hitting that guy - good one. By the way she looks great as a blonde."
Hannah Collin, Hereford
"Great ending to a fantastic episode, and a beautiful series 3. What a perfect ending. Were they caught? We'll find out next year!"
Tom Coulson, Manchester

"Fantastic, as usual. They managed to keep us in the dark 'til the very end. Paul Nicholls was excellent as 'The Ghost'. Sad to see the series come to an end so soon."
The O-J family, Rhyl, North Wales

"You can always count on the last episode of a series of Hustle on being brilliant. Kept me guessing till the end.
If I were to criticise I'd say that Hustle has a habit of going back to the police trying to use/capture our team, and then the team outsmarts the police and we get a happy ending. I prefer the episodes where the focus is more on setting up and carrying out the con.
Nevertheless, it was a fun episode and a great way to end the series."
Samuel Deacon, Worcester, England

"Ahh, I'm so disappointed! Hustle is over until next year. This programme is too good and the actors are excellent - can't wait for the next series."
Ray, Milton Keynes

"The skydiving was so unlikely and unrealistic."
"I've loved the series but I hope it hasn't 'jumped the shark' on the last episode. The skydiving was so unlikely and unrealistic. Anyone who had done a 'one jump course' could tell you their equipment was crazily rigged.
I know all the other scams are unlikely but at least they are great fun and semi-plausible. Looking forward to a more 'down-to-earth' next series!"
Alistair, Wells

"Waah! Hustle doesn't appear again until 2007.
Watching that clip, when you see Danny shooting Mickey, you really think it's all up - and then it appears that it was just another elaborate con.
Sitting through the episode just trying to figure out how they could con both of them - it was genius, pure genius. The fourth wall concept worked really well, and the writing is brilliant.
Just one thing - they should really explain how Danny learnt everything he knows. And of course, when he was meditating naked in his cell, well, I strained my eyes a bit there."
Jess, Gloucester

"Another brilliant episode of Hustle, mixed in with James Bond style stealth with still enough room to add some humour. The Teddy Bear trick was genius. My only criticism is that it was a bit too easy to predict the outcome and how they got away with it."
Lewis Ridley, Essex

"It continues to amaze me how the gang always seem to get away."
"It continues to amaze me how the gang always seem to get away. The ending particularly amused me when the Australian buyer returned to see 'The Ghost' and in fact meet the gang again - especially as Mickey was shot.
If anything is going to make people take up sky diving it's watching Danny jump (or be pushed!)."
Jess, Cheltenham

"I can't wait a whole year for Hustle to come back on! This series has been absolutely excellent, I loved every episode. I did get worried about the team when it looked like they were in serious trouble, but I knew there was a way out that the great Mickey Bricks could think of. And Danny made it hilarious to watch.
The explanation at the end gives you great pleasure in knowing that you can't hustle the hustlers. Brilliant."
Nina, Stoke on Trent

"Absolutely brilliant as usual. My most favourite programme on TV at the moment.
As amazingly intelligent viewers, it is going to get increasingly harder to surprise us with the twists, turns and "plan B's" in future stories, but please keep doing it. It makes my toes curl with pleasure at the nearly always satisfying endings."
Sue Boughton, Tingewick, Bucks.

"Tony Jordan never fails to impress me with his funny and well thought out storylines."
"Fantastic! After the first two brilliantly written/acted/produced/directed series I thought that the desire to make brilliant TV in the third series would have gone but I was wrong.
Clever, slick and entertaining all the time, thank you to all the team involved for creating the best TV programme ever, but especially to the writer, Tony Jordan, who never fails to impress me with his funny and well thought out storylines."
David Doyle, London

"This really was Hustle back on top form. I'd felt slightly let down by this series. I missed knowing that the crew were always one step ahead, always ready, always prepared. But this last episode had it all, the humour, the suspense, the guesswork, and best of all, the 'How did they do it?' moment."
Phillipe Bosher, London

"This episode returned to the rather special style and plot lines of series 1 and 2. Utterly brilliant. Please return to the magic of the first two series."
Andy, Suffolk

"Paul Nicholls was a great addition to the episode as the mysterious Adam Rice."
"This was a gem of an episode; the sparkling series finale we've all been waiting for, complete with suspense, wit and hilarious staged stunts. Danny was a diamond to watch when he completed his plane 'jump' and Paul Nicholls was a great addition to the episode as the mysterious Adam Rice. I can't wait for the next series!"
Natalie, Bromley

"What an amazing episode to end the series. It had an amazing twist at the end so you didn't know who was conning who. I felt sorry for Albert being in prison but he's probably done more work than the rest of the gang."
BJ, Banbury

"This was a goodie - I couldn't work out how they were going to escape jail and DCI York at all! The character of Adam Rice (Paul Nicholls) was good - perhaps they could weave Adam back in for a future con? Please?"
Anna, Southampton

"The best episode ever.
The Ashes was just the best ever con. I love what Danny said about winning it back on the pitch, I couldn't stop laughing all the way through, especially at Danny sky diving. That was extremely funny.
I did guess the ending though - it was a bit predictable."
Emma, East End

"We thought we were oh so clever when we guessed the teddy bear thing."
"Tremendous, yet again. We love Danny. We were with him as he got thrust out of the plane and felt for him when, no, Adam Rice had not heard of Danny Blue.
Albert was cool and so sophisticated, Mickey calm and collected, Stacie luscious as ever and Ash was just the man.
We thought we were oh so clever when we guessed the teddy bear thing but missed the manuscript buyer - you win some, you lose some. Guys, we love you and cannot believe it's all over for another series. Please make it longer next time."
The Hustle Clan, Surrey

"I think this was a great episode and a nice way to finish the series. Danny was funny once again when sky-diving.
I thought the ending had a good twist to it as the man who they had conned turned out to be the man meeting Rice."
Shelley, London

"Nice one, brilliant way to round off another triumphant series. I thought that Albie was great at charming the police officer. However 6kg of sherbet must have wiped out most of the crew's working capital."
Joe Brennan, Cambridge

"The story required far too many improbable events to make the con work."
"This episode was below par from start to finish. From an uncharacteristic, all too predictable opening scene to a repetitive closing, this episode was an embarrassing flop. They've even had a bent copper as a mark before, which leads me to believe that they've run out of ideas.
The story required far too many improbable events to make the con work. They did say that the con was near impossible, and it was, they should never have succeeded. How did Albert convince the lock-up officer to let him out of his cell in one sentence? And even if we do accept that Albert is just that talented, why would he be taken to the evidence room. And why on earth was the 拢90,000 there?
A sky dive into what appeared to be quite a small estate, oh please, especially since Danny has only ever jumped once before. And, how did they get out? I'm pretty sure that was never explained, and with The Ghost having a twisted ankle, scaling walls and fences would be pretty difficult.
I'm not in any way doubting the strength of a woman, but how did Stacie knock out the security guard for what appeared to be over 5 minutes?
I don't know if the writers were hoping we wouldn't consider this when we watched, but no-one can seriously have believed all of this was possible. The writers really need to get some new ideas before they start filming the fourth season and they can't just rely on the little moments of comedy they get from Danny."
Jack Hornett, London

"I seldom watch anything other than sport on TV but this show is fun, dramatic and doesn't take itself too seriously.
There's still a lot of mileage in the characters and I just hope the producers don't go down the route of taking them on tours of international cities to try and make storylines interesting instead of generating real scripts. You can do a good con story in Swindon, Blackpool, Aberdeen, or Aberystwyth if you've got the writers and characters."
Matt, Bristol

"Excellent episode! As usual the team came out on top. Great display of grifting and nice right hook from Stacie on the guard. One of the best I have seen.
I'm glad Danny hasn't decided to become a postman instead of a grifter."
Gayle, Norfolk

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