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28 October 2014

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Your Reviews: Episode 1 (series 3)

Series 3 Episode 1

You Said:

"There's two fantastic moments in every Hustle episode."
"How fantastic is it to have Hustle back on our screens? Answer: Very.

There's two fantastic moments in every Hustle episode - the moment you realise it's all about to come crashing down around them, then the moment you work out that they already knew this.

Brilliant show, great acting and classy scripts."

Peter Knowles, Langley
"Absolutely brilliant episode, which kept me guessing right until the end. Excellent display of grifting from Danny and Mickey. Can't wait until the next episode."

Gayle, Norfolk
"What an excellent return for Hustle. As always, we watch and wonder how the top con group get away with it. 10/10."

Timothy Frank, Leicester
"The new series does not disappoint - another cracking episode from the tricksters. I knew they would get the 'police' involved - I'm obviously learning something from the world of con."

Steph Ridout, Southampton
"I loved the way Ash plucks a group of boozers to act as the cops."
"It was a simply fantastic episode, and as always I knew they would pull it off in the end. I didn't worry one bit when Mickey and Danny got beaten up, knowing that they had a plan.

Also, I loved the way Ash just plucks a group of boozers to act as the cops. Brilliant start."

Tom Fricker, Exeter
"This is without a doubt the most viewer-aware, and best programme on television. The storylines are just so developed and intricate. Now all I have to look forward to is the next series of Spooks to put the cherry on the cake. Jaime is the icing - the sweetest bit!"

Alex Jordan, Chichester
"Amazing first episode. It had me gripped from the first second. Classic acting from the whole cast, especially Adrian Lester, Jaime Murray and Robert Glenister. However everyone was simply brilliant. The twist at the end was superb, never saw that coming, and it was great to see Eddie in on a con."

Amy F-D, Wales
"Another one bites the dust.

Oh dear! 15 minutes - yes that's all it took me to realise I wasn't going to be watching this episode, indeed this series of Hustle.

Previously Hustle proved to be an engaging, fun, lighthearted and entertaining programme, in other words a success. Well, in the weird world of UK TV production we all know that can't be allowed to continue. So it has, of course, been 'revamped'; and we all know what that means.

"It's all about 'production, production, production' - nothing else matters."
Never mind the script, never mind the acting, the direction, the characters, the story - it's all about 'production, production, production' - nothing else matters. Apparently that's the theory as currently held by those who work in contemporary UK TV production.

So, that's yet another UK TV programme that I used to watch. Seems to me that very soon now UK TV in its entirety will be something I used to watch."

Vincent Barry, North London
"It's totally amazing how you keep the programme so fresh even though it's effectively the same theme. We loved it. The kid was a bit unrealistic but it paid off when the Dad told him to shut up at the end."

Tim McNiven and Jack McCarthy, Essex
"Have waited too long for this new series, but wasn't disappointed. The cast, as always, were excellent, the story-line kept us guessing. (I'm getting used to twists and second-guessed this one). The preposterous rapping was superb.

I'm not too sure about Adrian getting headbutted - but then I'm biased. Loved it - can't wait for the next episode. Don't ever change the cast."

Maureen Martin, Driffield
"Great to have Hustle back, and what a way to start a new series. It was full of twists and turns and bought drama back to a Friday night. The ending was a great twist and a pure surprise. Bravo, Hustle on making such a good comeback."

Tamara Shansonga, Kenilworth
"Seeing the con go the most wrong it ever has was a refreshing change."
"Very unlike the previous two series. In the past it has always been glamour and the high life but seeing the actual planning of the con and seeing it go the most wrong it ever has was a refreshing change.

Packed with really clever twists and constant surprises, this episode is fantastic. Hustle is back on top form."

Todd Travis, Lancaster
"Its great to see Hustle back on our screens again, I'm really enjoying it. There were so many funny comedic moments like Danny in the bath and Stacie's accent when she was the rapper girl."

Hannah Collin, Hereford
"First time I've ever watched Hustle, and the last. Is there one original thing in this rubbish? From a blatant copy of a scene from the Sting, to one of the oldest jokes ('say hello to my girlfriend...') around.

I suppose that's what you get when a bunch of clueless middle class writers try and invent crime stories. The biggest con of all is the one carried out on themselves, believing this bilge is any good. I bet you don't put this one on the site." (Wrong. Ed.)

L. Dema, South London
"I have awaited this new series with bated breath and I am sure week on week I will not be disappointed. For me the rap element of tonight's show was a bit tedious - but that's probably just me getting on a bit.

Sarah Louise, Hampshire
"I think there were too many guest stars in the first episode."
"I was so pleased that Hustle is back. But I think there were too many guest stars in the first episode. Also the end was very predictable. You knew the police were not real the moment they showed up.

I have watched season one and two many times on DVD and like the twists, but to me this was a disappointment. I even guessed that Mel Smith's character knew the first mark. Hopefully it will pick up."

MJ, Staffordshire
"This episode surpassed my very highest expectations!

This is simply breathtaking drama; hugely talented imaginative writing. The story was entertaining and extravagant - even more so than usual. I'm very relieved to see the soundtrack is immense as always. Some brilliant acting, I was gripped throughout."

Steve, Coventry
"As usual, an absolute gem. The best replacement after Life on Mars ended. Simply fantastic writing once again from Mr. Tony Jordan. I salute you!

Adrian Lester was fantastic as a gangster rapper and Jaime Murray as his girl. Loved the inclusion of Sara Cox. More celebs playing themselves, please."

Vicki, Birmingham
"This was a great return to the series and was a pleasure to watch. The talentless rap star added humour and when the "police" turned up, we just knew there was going to be a way out."

Nina, Stoke-On-Trent
"I honestly think this was the worst episode of Hustle. It's lost its slickness. And the con was pretty unbelievable."

Helen, Surrey
"The best programme since The Avengers"
"This series is the best programme since The Avengers. It is slick, well directed and acted and very well scripted. The characters all have their own dimensions and support each other very effectively.

Each series of scripts by writer Tony Jordan just get better and better and for edge-of-the-seat drama this has got to be the best series on the air."

Clive Eardley, West Yorkshire
"Very predictable - you could guess the "back-up" plan well in advance of the reveal at the end. I hope series 3 is going to take the cons in some fresh directions, but I suspect we are in for a rehash of the story lines used in series 1 and series 2 but with different villains.

By the way, it is a bit sad to seek the Hustlers profiting from monies earned from the miserable trade of human trafficking."

Hamish, Birmingham
"Too loud, too noisy, too fast... just silly."

Peter, Southampton
"This Mel Smith episode was let down by rubbish plotting.

Plotting has always been a vulnerability but in this episode I just couldn't suspend my disbelief and switched off. I presume the rest of the third series will be more of the same. A shame, because all the other aspects are fine and I really love this kind of show."

John Gilmore, Dorset
"I loved Hustle from the very first episode but I have to admit that the second season took a bit of dive for me. Maybe it was the attempts to always stay one step ahead of the audience that took it beyond believability.

"Putting them in a dingy flat, struggling to reach their old highs is both amusing and intriguing."
So I approached the third season with both excitement and trepidation. Turns out my worries were totally unfounded. By showing that the gang actually failing during their break from our screens, it put everyone in a new and interesting situation, unable to just slip into another beautiful hotel and straight into yet another complex con.

Putting them in a dingy flat, struggling to reach their old highs is both amusing and intriguing. The con itself was immaculately performed by all, with the inevitable twist being one I genuinely didn't see coming.

Particular attention should be paid to the wonderful Robert Glenister (Ash) who finally gets a bit more of centre stage, while Marc Warren (Danny) is his usual cheeky chappy self. All in all, a great first episode which demonstrates Hustle's glorious return to form after a so-so second season."

Laura Wales, Manchester
"Yesterday's episode was a brilliant opener. Danny Blue's at his fabulous best - a cockney geezer and all-round top guy. He and Stacie have to get together though - it's been waiting to happen since the beginning!"

Gwen, Lancashire
"Hustle is, in a word, fantastic. It has inspired me beyond belief. I am an Art and Design student looking to begin a Film and Television Production course at university and Tony Jordan's creation above any other television programme has urged me to fulfil my dream of working in film and television.

The characters are seamless, each so believable and likeable, and the group itself is perfectly put together. Every week I marvel at the script, a blend of humour, wit and of course, that all important element of outstanding intelligence that just sets Hustle apart from anything else I have ever seen.

Well done to the production team and actors for making such a fabulous piece of art, because that's what it is: artwork."

K. Stanton, Wiltshire
"Excellent episode one. The juxtaposition of the gang in a terrace house with only photos and pens and paper to hatch a plan, compared to the flash hotel rooms from series 1 and 2 was great to see."

Dave Hughes, Chester
"I loved the lingo used by the little Eminem wannabe."
"I loved the lingo used by the little Eminem wannabe. I used to live with a guy that spoke just like him, it had me in stitches.

This series is a breath of fresh air. Sure, the plot is a little far fetched but it makes for a fantastic hour of viewing."

Tony, Cheltenham

More on Hustle:

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Series 4 - get the latest and watch video clips
Series 3 - find out what happened and watch video clips
Series 2 - find out what happened and watch video clips
Series 1 - find out what happened and watch video clips

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