Was there much joking about on set?
I think people thought that there were pranks because they liked to think it’s like a big Hollywood movie set where you’re shooting one hour and it takes you six months so you’ve got a lot of time.
Actually we’d shoot the equivalent of a feature film in a week. We’re constantly shooting scenes from other episodes as well, so we’re always shooting three episodes simultaneously, but it can get anything up to five to seven. So it’s full-on, it’s non-stop, it’s relentless. It was the hardest, most difficult, most complex role I’ve ever had in of my life, and therefore the most fulfilling and compelling, because every actor likes to be challenged. We’re suckers for punishment, so the more painful and complex and challenging it is, and the more you have to wrench yourself inside out to do it, the more we like it. There’s nothing worse than a boring role.
So there really is no time for pranks, but if something does happen and, whoops, we have to cut, it is always Anthony who will turn the mistake into a joke, and then he’ll do something funny. It’s always Anthony, because D'Argo is a big kid, primarily he’s a strong warrior, [but] he’s also childlike, so the way Anthony kept his energy up was to be bubbly and childlike.
I was pretty quiet most of the time because Zhaan is linked in with upstairs. She’s got a spiritual connection all the time and there’s a certain feeling that I slip into - I step into another dimension almost when I’m Zhaan. So in-between times I like to keep myself even, calm, and serene.