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Your FilmsYou are in: Coventry and Warwickshire > Your Films > A day with DJ Ash Martin and Matt interview DJ Ash A day with DJ AshMartin and Matt invite us to their local, the Warwick Youth and Community Centre, and talk to one of the resident stars, DJ Ash. In his interview, DJ Ash explains why he first became interested in being a DJ and reveals the cost of setting up to make and mix your own music. Produced during a workshop at the youth centre, the film was devised, filmed and directed by the young people, none of whom had ever worked with video before. DJ Ash shows off his kit This is just one of the activities at the centre in Coten End, Warwick. It houses a wide variety of groups that are open to the community, including a pre-school play group, youth clubs, and clubs for adults with learning difficulties, all of whom can use the centre's gym, games rooms,听 lounge and computer suites. Activities they've organised outside the centre range from a Ski trip to Italy to bullying and sexual health workshops. They also have a Drop In Service with qualified youth worker and free internet access. Sounds interesting? Contact the Warwick Youth and Community Centre on 01926 498 088 or email mattmancini@warwickshire.gov.uk or drop into the centre. last updated: 06/06/2008 at 12:29 You are in: Coventry and Warwickshire > Your Films > A day with DJ Ash |
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