
成人快手 Radio & Music Indie Development Fund

The 成人快手 is now welcoming applications for the Radio & Music Indie Development Fund

Published: 30 September 2024

The objective of the Indie Development Fund is to support and champion indies which are based Across the UK, and whom share the 成人快手鈥檚 creative diversity ambitions. Once again, 拢250,000 is available for independent audio production companies to apply for. Successful applicants will receive funding of between 拢10-25k in addition to mentoring from 成人快手 commissioners.

The Indie Development Fund is delighted to announce that for the first time, all 成人快手 radio networks will be participating. For the first time, successful indies will receive support and insights from across 成人快手 Music or Speech, not just one radio station.

Applications are now closed.


Strategic Objectives 

成人快手 Speech and 成人快手 Music have outlined their objectives for the next year of the fund.


成人快手 Speech commissions the brilliant podcasts, series and returning strands that form Radio 4, Radio 5 Live and 5 Sports Extra and 成人快手 Sound鈥檚 distinctive, world beating speech output.

With a focus on strengthening our supply base in the Nations & Regions, 成人快手 Speech would like to invite applications from indies who can reach audiences from across the UK by telling a diverse range of stories. We are interested in expertise in reaching audiences new to the 成人快手 and in telling the stories of underrepresented groups. This could be in factual storytelling, comedy, sport or drama. We particularly welcome applications from areas of the UK currently under-represented in the industry.

Successful applicants will be assigned a mentor from the Speech commissioning team.



成人快手 Music brings together the 成人快手鈥檚 network radio鈥檚 pop music stations, on-demand music commissioning, Radio 3, the Orchestras & Performing Groups, the Proms and Pop Music TV into one music portfolio. 成人快手 Music鈥檚 goal is to deliver impactful collaborative content which increases opportunities for audiences to listen, watch and engage.

With a focus on strengthening our supply base in the Nations & Regions, 成人快手 Music would like to invite applications from indies who fit one of the three categories:

1. Applications from indies who have very little or no experience working with the 成人快手 and who would seize the opportunity to be mentored by industry experts to grow their production skills. Successful applicants will demonstrate a knowledge and passion for 成人快手 Music content as well as outline how the funding would strengthen the production skillset within their business.

2. More established indies (i.e. who have secured at least two commissions from the 成人快手 in the past five years) who have an interest and expertise in reaching audiences new for 成人快手 Music with a particular focus on developing on-demand content for opportunity audiences. Applicants should demonstrate how additional funding will develop their business to further focus on reaching these new audiences.

3. Indies who are actively interested in broadening their audio production portfolio and have a passion for creating (or learning how to create) innovative specialised content in the following categories:

  • Classical music programmes for Radio 3
  • Specialist/alternative music programmes for 6M
  • Specialist programmes for 1Xtra and Asian Network
  • Programming for Under 25s



  • Applications open 30th Sept
  • Indie Development Fund Webinar: 4th Oct
  • Applications close: 21st October 2024
  • Shortlisting begins: End of October 2024
  • Contracting: November - December 2024
  • Mentoring begins: January 2025



Applications are now closed.

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