
成人快手 Children's commissioning

World class content to super-serve our sophisticated young audience, reaching hearts and minds in a fast-changing world

Patricia Hidalgo

Patricia Hidalgo

Director, Children's and Education
We are passionate about serving British children with the very highest quality content. We are home to two of the UK鈥檚 most popular and loved kids TV brands and reach 60% of British children across our platforms. We offer a huge depth and breadth of programming spanning multiple genres, commissioning and acquiring bold and ambitious content for our portfolio of branded platforms. We actively support new, small and diverse companies across the whole of the UK, and are proud of our role creating opportunities for new talent both on and off-screen.
  • Attend our 2025 briefing day at St George鈥檚 Hall in Liverpool to hear about our latest commissioning strategy and to meet the 成人快手 Children's commissioning teams. Those who can't make it in person can also register to watch the event live online. Find out more and book tickets for 12 March now.

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