2007年10月31日 格林尼治标准时间16:55更新
Wei Cope talks about her experience of dealing with the accent and culture of Newcastle, in the north-east of England.
Some scientists have suggested that autism 自闭症 is an extreme form of the male brain. At the risk of offending men from many other parts of the world, I feel that 'Geordiness' is an extreme form of manliness 男性.
The Origin of the word 'Geordie'
The word 'Geordie' apparently came from the name 'George' but there are a number of theories as to which 'George' is it. Some believe that it's King George II, while others claim that it was George Stephenson, the famous inventor 发明家.
Nevertheless, it is the consensus that it means the people from the region of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. There are two things that Geordies are famous for: their accent 口音 and their football club.
When I first met my husband I noticed that he had a very strong accent, which I found difficult to understand. Later I found out that he was a Geordie. The accent was thick 浓重 and heavy but not nasal 带鼻音, just like the north-eastern accent in Chinese. During my subsequent visits to Newcastle, I noticed that it is a pretty good reflection on the local population.
If you walk into a pub then you'll find yourself surrounded by well-built men in t-shirts, not very clean-shaven 胡子刮得很干净, often with tattoos 刺青,纹身 on their arms. This is a historical influence left from the coal mining 煤矿and shipbuilding industry, which started in medieval times.
Newcastle used to export 150,000 tonnes of coal annually and hence led to the idiom 'carrying coal to Newcastle', which means to spend time and energy on something redundant. The ship industry bloomed 蓬勃发展 as a result of the increasing demand to transport coal. Their distinct accent formed part of their history and culture.
Many Geordie men are still tough 硬朗, hard-core 坚强的 and completely oblivious 忘记,未察觉 to the winter. This last characteristic definitely extends to the Geordie ladies. They always seem very happy in their glamorous tops and miniskirts 超短裙 while I’m shivering 冷得发抖 in my thickest coat.
Football fans
Geordies are probably the most enthusiastic fans when it comes to football. My husband was a season ticket 年票,季票 holder 持有者 until he came to university but still tries to go to as many matches as possible. Wherever you go in Newcastle, you will always see people in black and white tops – the strip 队服 for Newcastle United FC, also known as the 'Magpies' 喜鹊.
The atmosphere in their home ground 主场, St James' Park is absolutely amazing. The fans chant 有节奏的,反复的 唱或喊叫 almost non-stop for 2 hours! The chants range from short phrases to the all time favourite 'The Blaydon Races' (sung with the proper Geordie accent, of course).
One song probably sums it up quite well: "We are the Geordies, the Geordie boot boys; and we are mental and we are mad. We are the most loyal football supporters the world has ever had." The locals' love for their club remains strong regardless of 不管,不顾 the club's performance.
However, the rivalry 竞争 with another football club in an adjacent 邻近的 city, Sunderland, has added much excitement to people's lives.
Friendly but fierce
The Geordies are a distinctive group of people. They have had to adapt 适应 to a new economic structure, but have managed so far to maintain their cultural heritage 保持文化传统 very well.
They are friendly, not shown by a light handshake, but a solid 结实的,有力的 pat 拍 on your back that would knock you over if you weren’t expecting it. They can be fierce 反应激烈的 if you support Sunderland FC.
They are the warm hearts of the north-east of England.
Your Comments 你的评论
Dear Wei Cope,
I am very lucky because of having read your essay. I am an A-level student now and eager for the University of Cambridge. If I want to study economics in the university ,what should I do for this aim now? I am so confused about the interview that I want to know more about it. Many thanks!
Doris, London
Dear Doris,
Thank you for your e-mail. I'm afraid I know very little about Economics as it's quite different from Medicine. If you have a look on the Cambridge University website* (below) they have plenty of information and don't be afraid to contact them - they're there to help you!
Please don't worry about the interview too much. The interviews will vary but with one aim – to get to know you as a person rather than just words on paper!
Be prepared to talk about what you wrote in your personal statement, be prepared to talk about your experiences, and most importantly, be very honest.
It does not matter that you don't know the answer to a question, try to be calm and tell them what you would like to do to answer it and the thought process that is going through your head.
Good luck!
*The 成人快手 is not responsible for the content of external internet sites
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