
最后更新时间: 2007年8月31日 格林尼治标准时间09:59更新
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Cornwall, My 成人快手 康沃尔, 我的家
Caroline looking out of the window
Caroline thinks about her life in England

Caroline came to England to be with her English boyfriend, and she is working here as a teacher and translator. To continue our series of blogs, she is writing diaries for 成人快手 Learning English. In this her first diary, she talks about her move to England.

Getting On
 Some other thoughts such as how we would get on with our life here, in contrast to the hectic city Shanghai, were simmering in our mind.

It was in January 21st, 2007 that I decided to leave China and relocate 搬家 myself to Cornwall, in the south west of England, with my friend. I still remembered my first walk with him in the fields near to his house.

That afternoon the weather was extremely fine, the sky was cloudless, and the air fine and refreshing. Both my friend and I felt unreal, partly due to jet-lag 时差. But on the other hand, some other thoughts such as how we would get on with our life here, in contrast to the hectic 忙乱的 city Shanghai, were simmering 内心充满,酝酿 in our mind.


I graduated from Suzhou in June, 2005 and went to Shanghai to explore opportunities afterwards. As a result, instead of like my classmates, most of who worked in companies from nine to five, I became a freelance 自由职业 translator (Mandarin-English).

That was a difficult period. Intriguing 有趣的,有魅力的 but difficult. Then in September, 2005 I met my British friend. I was often surprised how the ways we thought of the world around us were similar, despite our culture background was so vastly different. As a result, we became friends and then fell in love.

But because he much preferred his own country, England, to China and we didn’t want to part from each other 分别, I followed him to come to England.


Feeling at 成人快手
 Cornwall is where the place I live at the moment. I was surprised that I felt at home instantly. The surrounding fields, streams, and the nameless beach were all very comforting.

Cornwall is where I live at the moment. I was surprised that I felt at home instantly. The surrounding fields, streams, and the nameless beach were all very comforting.

Sometimes I even felt as if I were back to the countryside I was born and lived through my childhood. There used to have similar wide green fields, gurgling 潺潺地,汩汩地 streams in my countryside as well.

But in 2005 when I went back to visit my parent’s country side house, I found everything had changed. Fields, rivers and streams that I had remember and dreamed about long since were all gone. Instead there were neat rows of houses and industrialized fields.

I was quite sad, as if one was deprived 抢夺,剥夺 of one of the sweetest dreams in one’s life. I was relieved that Cornwall allowed me to reminisce 回想 the past without disillusion 使人梦想破灭 and bitterness 痛苦,苦味,嘲讽 again.


I just feel so comfortable when I stay with the nature and the countryside of Cornwall, and for that I also fell in love Daphne Du Maurier, the writer of the well-known book Rebecca. Cornwall and Daphne, often I can’t think of one without thinking of the other. As Daphne had lived most of her life in Cornwall, and both of us loved the nature and enjoyed meandering 漫游,闲逛 around, let it be in the woods or on the Bodmin moor, in solitude 独处,单独.

Jobs and Opportunities

Well, I should forget not to mention what I do before digressing 离题,跑题 too far. I am a Mandarin Chinese tutor and my agency at times gives me some translation work as well. Additionally, I help companies in the UK source products from China.

Just Like You
 But overall you can see that I am probably just like you, still biding my time for better opportunities.

But overall you can see that I am probably just like you, still biding my time 等候时机 for better opportunities. My aim in my life is to be self-reliant 自立的,自力更生的 and for that I always try to be proactive 主动的, creating or watching out for opportunities, instead of waiting them to be created or call on me.

Do you have a question or comment for Caroline? We will publish all your comments and questions on this page.

你想问 Caroline 什么问题吗?我们将把你的评论或问题在此表页发表

Send her a question by filling in the form at the top of the page or email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk

请填写上面的问题反馈表或发邮件给我们 chinaelt@bbc.co.uk


* 任意选择
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